Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 5.

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Deep, unending darkness.

Night time, the period where most of the dark things in the world occur. This particular night was one of those.

Footsteps echoed through the blank darkness of a countryside night, steady and quick. The tempo of the steps signified the amount of purpose its owners moved with.

Footsteps of men on a mission.

"Find them! Not a single one should be left alive."

A strong voice bellowed, barking orders at the dark clad men moving through the forest terrain.

No affirmation was given, but the men heard. They moved on, trampling weak foliage underneath their combat boot enclosed feet.

No one's face was visible, all of them had theirs covered. There was no need for an identity among these people, only a mission and the will to complete it.

Weaving through the dense forest, they advanced. They closed in on their prey, leaving no plausible escape route.

"Why!? Why are you people doing this!? We didn't want any part in it, so why!?"

A lone disheveled man made his grievances with the pursuers known, he had been cornered. Behind him a woman stood, she was constantly shivering, whether it was from the nocturnal cold or the fear of their aggressors is unknown.

No response from the men came, they ignored the queries of the man, it was not their place to provide answers. They have been given a job, all they need to do is complete it.


Seeing the indifference of the men advancing towards him, the man realized.

Ah…these people won't stop.

His coat was clutched tightly by the woman behind him, prompting him to steal a glance at her.

A mere glance was all he needed, the man's eyes shone with an eerie glint.

He was a cornered man…there was nowhere to run, meaning…

He had nothing left to lose.


A blood curdling scream erupted, the source was unknown to the black clad men…or rather, it was too unbelievable to them.

They saw it….but they did not accept.

They witnessed it…but refused to take it as reality.


The sound of blood falling on the ground was heard, whether they wanted to believe it or not, it had happened.

The cornered man had fought back, and he was going all in.

The heads of two of their comrades slid onto the ground, they had been decapitated.

The culprit?

They all looked towards the man, he had somehow ended behind them, he stood there, assuming a fighting stance.

"I swear on my clan's name, even if it's with my last breath…I'll eradicate you all from the face of the earth!"

"Neutralize the target immediately!"

Someone took the lead, giving the order for the man's execution, the aggressors were spurred into action. They all moved at high speeds, closing in on the man.

One man, against the 15 men pursuing him.

The men all materialized different masses through the use of heavenly arts, they also enhanced themselves with the energy.

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