Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction 3.

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What a pain...

Exactly what it was. I had gotten away from the murderous chuuni people. Clowning them was something I enjoyed, but it didn't make up for my current exasperation. I ended up getting to work, hours late than the standard opening time, my superior officer ended up chewing me out for it, the dude was really scary.

Now I had been saddled with extra work as a punishment, just a slap on the wrist really. I had managed to get away with it lightly due to my good reputation, I wasn't a habitual rule breaker, and my work was always satisfactory.

I got off lightly...but it was still a pain. After hours of slaving over paperwork, I was now at my door.

"Home sweet home, I guess..."

I was anxious though, those people had done a background check on me, they undoubtedly knew my address. My earlier display was a show of power, one that I hoped would deter them from pursuing me further. I bet this on the intelligence of their leader, I was fairly confident that he got the message.

That was not assurance though, before stepping in, I scoured the immediate surroundings with magic sense, looking for the slightest sign of an abnormality.

"Huh, that guy is competent after all..."

Satisfied with the results I got, I unlocked the door and stepped in. I dropped my office bag on the couch and followed it soon after.


This is it, peace. No heavenly arts, no "od", no murderous ice queen.

"I should probably take a bath..."

Having these thoughts, I headed to take a cold shower.

I got into the shower, turned it on and I let the cold water run down my body, it gave me a soothing feeling.

"I just hope things don't get out of hand..."

Honest thoughts from me, but somewhere deep down...I felt something. It was an unexplained feeling.

Was I...lying to myself?

Whatever, anything that comes my way will be dealt with.


About a month passed, throughout the month I hadn't encountered any of those people, something I was glad for.

I was once again heading home from work, it was evening and the sky had began to take on a darker hue. 

The various noises produced by falling feet and vehicle engines added to the surreal atmosphere of the sunset, it calmed me somewhat.

As someone who lived in a city, these were the sounds I was used to. All was right with the world.

Aside from the person stalking me.

It's about time you showed up.




I observed Satoru Mikami, he had stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, his face angled towards the sky, it seemed like he was admiring the scenery.

Good, let your guard down.

All this time, my fury accumulated. This one month of being dormant was hell for me, a necessary hell.

Despite my negative feelings towards this man, I acknowledged his ability. He was strong, and I find it hard to believe that someone with that level of strength wouldn't be vigilant. I had waited for a month to pass, I wanted him to develop a false sense of security.

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