Short story: A Salaryman's Supernatural Induction, Epilogue.

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[[Are you satisfied?]]
"Very much so. Although I didn't expect this ending."

Sitting in a café on the other side of the city I observed Satoru's battle. I placed my drink on the table.


[[I know master wanted entertainment, but that isn't the sole reason for your almost neutral stance in this conflict.]]

She hit the nail on the head as usual. When I came back here to resurrect Satoru I could feel the multiple magicule signatures around the planet, beyond it even.

I could also detect a few…. creatures, the closest being that demon.

At the time I was quite taken aback at how dangerous this world really was.

Well I got done in by a guy with a knife but eh.

Long story short, I could have cleansed this world but one thing stopped me.

Why should I?

Of course, if the whole place was going to collapse I would step in, but me interfering for something as little as this is unnecessary.

I'm well aware that saving everyone isn't possible.

So I decided to leave this place's problems to the people concerned. I did increase their chances a bit though.

Just a few…..liberties…here and there.

"Ciel, retrieve that demon's soul. Don't let it return to the great spirit of darkness."
[[What happened to the neutrality master mentioned?]]
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just grabbing a random soul and it just happened to be someone involved. Perfectly neutral."

"Besides, the conflict is over. And even if it wasn't, I'll do what I want."
[[Master has become more daring. This is a well appreciated development.]]

Let's go fix Satoru up….again.

I teleported to the spot where Satoru just fell, I felt that little particle of turn null get pulled into azathoth.

"You did well, Satoru."

I immediately stabilized his soul, but I still let his consciousness fade.

"Heave ho…"

I picked his body like a sack of cement, then proceeded to walk through the blood and guts towards the two girls staring at me like I shouldn't be here, the younger one seemed to be holding in a squeal.


Never seen a dude before?

An awkward sound escaped me, I tried to prompt them into speaking.

"You…. you're that person…that day.."

I didn't respond.


I did mention that I took some liberties..

I was wandering around Japan, ruminating on what interesting thing would happen next but I couldn't stop myself from talking to her back then.

Ciel tried to stop me.

Tried hehe.

"Uh yeah, that's right. I'll take my leave now."
Giving her what I considered as sufficient elaboration, I prepared to walk off, Satoru's body dangling behind me.


She had tried to grab me but was stopped by the perpetual barrier that surrounded me.

"Who are you..? Where are you taking h-"

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