
419 16 0

Name: Y/N AKA I don't have a name for this fucker !

Age: 15

Height: 175 cm

Semblance: ???????.

                                (I don't have better shut up)

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                                (I don't have better shut up)

Fullbring: Zangetsu

Abitilties: Using his incomplete Fullbring, Y/N can unleash spinning, propeller-like blasts of black energy, outlined in red

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Abitilties: Using his incomplete Fullbring, Y/N can unleash spinning, propeller-like blasts of black energy, outlined in red.

                    The weapon is used primarily for defense, particularly to block attacks. It can absorb most of the impact from a much larger opponent's attack.

Your theme:


Age: 16

Height: 197 cm

Semblance: Gentle Giant. Peoples around him are able to calm down and relax. It's not a passive one, it can be activated whenever he wants to.

 It's not a passive one, it can be activated whenever he wants to

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Fullbring: Brazo Derecho del Gigante

Abilities: With his right arm armored, Sado becomes durable enough to block incoming attacks and blasts

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Abilities: With his right arm armored, Sado becomes durable enough to block incoming attacks and blasts.

                  He is able to fire powerful energy blasts from his fist.

His theme:

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