Chapter 12: The Dark Side of The Universe

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Y/N and Chad were still searching for theirs target without finding anything. As frustrating as it was they continued, between Y/N yelling and swearing her and there, they enter in a forest that was not too far from the village. As they walk they started to notice something was wrong.


The forest was supposed to be filled with strange grimms, so It has to be noise, but nothing could be heard. Both activate theirs fullbring and kept theirs guard up as they immediately knew that something was wrong.


Once again nothing, only silence, which started to stressed the two young huntsmens-in-training. They look around, seeing nothing treatening, however they could feel that something was wrong, like somesort of pressure that was apply on them. 

Y/N:" Goddam it.... I feel like I have a sword at my throat...."

Both continued to walk without saying a word.

Y/N: !

Chad turn his head.

Suddenly both heard a voice near theirs ears.

???: Is it you ?

Both young fullbringers panicked and turn around to see a man on top of a tree, looking at them, menacingly. They get a good look at him. 

Ozpin: Yes, he is around 2 meter tall, black hair, wear a black eyepatch on his right eye, Oh and It seems strange but he also wear bells tyied on his hair.

Y/N/Chad:" It's him !"

Y/N: Hey ! Can we ta-

Suddenly Y/N got impaled by a blade coming form the back as the blade goes out of his chest. Chad got his right arm cut clean off by what looks like a chipped blade.

Both took a huge breath as they were panting and had cold sweat running down theirs body. Y/N grab his chest where he was supposed to be impaled, and Chad grab his right arm like he was check If It was still there.


Y/N:....Was that ? Was that murderous intent... No ! Murderous intent alone coun't have-"

Without them noticing the tall man was already behind them.

???: You are Y/N L/N and Yasutaro Sado, are you not ?

Chad: How do you know... Our names ? Who are you ?

???: Oh ? I thought the peoples in that village told you.

Y/N remembered the words of the waitress, Give up on him and go home ! Don't waste your life.

Kenpachi: I'm Zaraki Kenpachi. I'm here to fight you to the death.

The three were standing, without moving a inch. However Kenpachi wasn't the one to stay still.

Kenpachi: You don't say anything, Shall I begin ?

Y/N: Listen, we're not here to fight ! We were ask to talk to you and bring you to Beacon.

Kenpachi: I've no interest in your little school kid. 

Kenpachi look at Y/N and Chad, smiling a bit.

Kenpachi: Not bad. You're stiff are too stiff, but you've got a good amount of spirit energy.

both, Y/N and Chad didn't understood what spirit energy was, as they glance at each other unsure how to answer that. Kenpachi pick on that.

Kenpachi:" They don't know that huh.... Oh well"

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