Chapter 3: Unusuals at Beacon 3

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Ozpin and Glynda were still monitoring, however Ozpin eyes grew wide which Glynda noticed since that kind of reaction is pretty rare from him.

Glynda: Ozpin ? Is something wrong ?

Ozpin: Who are those two ?

Ozpin show his tablet to Glynda who can see Y/N and Chad fighting Grimms. Now that he mention it, who are they ?

Glynda: I... Don't know ?

Ozpin: What ?

Glynda: Well you didn't reject them, so I thought you let them in, like Mr.Arc and his fake transcript.

Ozpin: No I did not... Those two can be a danger. They are Fullbringers.

Glynda: I never heard of it.

Ozpin: It's normal. They were supposed to have disappeared but looks like I was wrong.

Ozpin: Fullbringers appeared around 500 years but got exterminated or were suppose to be. They caused a lot of destructions, because they used theirs powers to fight with Salem. What make them extremely dangerous was that theirs powers could evolve, gaining new abilites and could get far stronger than a hunter, even a pro hunter wasn't strong enough to stop them. But one man, named Oswald lead the charge with a army so big it could fill a kingdom. They all been defeated by the sheer numbers of soldiers, hunters and even civilians. The army, however, still took a huge damage as they lost half of theirs army. Since then, when a fullbringer appears It's a bad omen.

Glynda: Such gruesome story...

Glynda: But to have such powers... What is the cost ?

Ozpin: Their aura. They lose theirs aura, forever. However they still can gain a Semblance.

Glynda:No aura ?! We need to stop them ! They're going to get themselves killed !

Ozpin: No. I don't think they actually need our help.


A giant nevermore was flying above Ruby and her groups, while a scorpion grimm was attacking them. Feeling brave Ruby goes first to fight the scorpion, but his shell was too hard making her attacks ineffectives. Seeing that she choose to run back to her friends. The Giant nevermore throw a wave a spear-like feathers, one pining Ruby's cape to the ground.

Yang: Ruby get out of there !

Ruby: I'm trying !

The grimm scorpion send his stinger at her, in dear Ruby close her eyes. Yang was screaming Ruby's name in fear and desparation. But the hit never happen.

???: Yo, Ruby.

Ruby open her eyes to Y/N holding the stinger back his his weapon. He turn his head and smile at her. Unknown to Ruby a slight blush appeared on her face at that moment.

Y/N: Didn't know you were that reckless.

Ruby: Y/N ! Thank you !

Y/N: Don't worry about it, but I need to go back helping Chad. Think you can handle it ?

Ruby: Yes !

Y/N: Good luck then !

Y/N push the stinger away, making the scorpion recoil back. Yang toward Ruby and hug her tight.

Yang: I'm so happy you're safe. Thanks Y/N !

Y/N just nod and rush back to Chad at full speed. Weiss in the back surprise by Y/N speed, she didn't even had time to move. Ruby and Yang join back theirs friends.

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