Chapter 11: Searching The Undead

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Every first years where in front of a piece of paper stuck to the class wall. The paper on the wall was the ranking from the exams of this semester. As per usual Weiss was 1st, she humpf in joy and pride. JNPR look at theirs rank, they all nailed it, minus Nora. Ruby was in the middle, a close call. Blake was 10th. Y/N and Chad were 11th and 9th respectively.

Yang look at them shocked, thinking they were idiots like her.

Yang: You two ! How are you so smart ?! You sleep most of the time, skip classes or straight up jump out of the window because you're bored !

Nora: Yeah ! I thought you were idiots like us !

Ruby: I didn't thought you were this smart.

Weiss: I admit, that I'm suprised too.

Y/N: Is that a compliment or an insult ?

Weiss: Figure it out yourself, you dunce.

Y/N:" This bitch..." I don't really care about those things.

Y/N walk away his hands in his pockets, leaving everyone surprised.

Ruby: Wasn't Y/N really... Weird ?

Yang: Almost as cold as our resident Ice Queen.

Weiss: Hey !

Meanwhile Blake look at Chad, from the corner of her eyes. He didn't say anything since the begining, like he wasn't interested. He also walk away in the direction where Y/N was. Blake was a bit worried but didn't know what to do.


Y/N was seat on a bench looking at the sky, lost in thought.


Y/N and Chad were in the office of Ozpin. Apparently he had new informations about the person they had to bring back.

Ozpin: Good Morning, you two.

Y/N: What do you want us for ?

Ozpin: I have new informations on your target.


Ozpin: He has been seen outside of Vale, around a day of walk. However he seems extremely hostile, and search conflicts, so I advise you to be carefull.

Y/N: It's fine and all, but do you know what he look like ?

Ozpin: Yes, he is around 2 meter tall, black hair, wear a black eyepatch on his right eye, Oh and It seems strange but he also wear bells tyied on his hair.

Ozpin: You will go talk to him today, get ready in 3 hours.

Flashback end


Chad: Are you ready ?

Y/N look in front of him to see Chad with you two bags on his shoulders and out of his beacon uniform. Chad was wearing a white no-sleeves shirt with a vertical blue strip on the left side, the bottom was a simple black jean.

Y/N: Yeah.

Y/N get up from the bench and walk to Chad still holding the bags. Y/n was wearing a long long sleeve dark slim shirt with a gray jacket, the bottom is also a simple grey jean and a black belt with gold buckle.

Both walk to the gate of Beacon until they are stopped by Team RWBY and JNPR.

Jaune: Hey ! Where are you two going ?

Y/N: Mission.

Ren: I thought you say before your team should go with a other team.

Y/N: Ozpin order. We have to talk to a dude and bring him back to Beacon.

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