Chapter 13: The Dark Side of The Universe 2

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Y/N open his eyes in panic, take a deep breath. He look around and take notic that he wasn't in the forest where he fought Kenpachi but in a upside down city ? He took a longer look and notice that the city look liked Vale but a few buildings were different. Someone appear in front of him, holding his badge. He appears to be nearly identical to N/Y, except inverted in color. He is a fairly tall and lean-built being possessing white skin, a blue tongue, black nails and white hair. His eyes consist of black pupils, white irises, and black sclera.

???: Do you want to fight ? Do you want to win ? Or do you want to live ? Which is it ?

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???: Do you want to fight ? Do you want to win ? Or do you want to live ? Which is it ?

Y/N: Huh ? What are you talking about ?

???: Are you deaf, idiot ?

Y/N: Oi !

???: .... I can't hear you with a voice so low.

Y/N: I... I want to win , like mom would do !

???: Good. That's what I want to here. Now let's see If you're worthy to be invest into.

Y/N: ?

???: This time your enemy is yourself.

Y/N: What do you mean ?

??? activate his fullbring, which is the same as Y/N but his opposite color. He charge at Y/N who barely had the time to activate Zangetsu, he dodge but ??? throw a white propeller-like energy blast, sending Y/N in a upside down building.

??? look at Y/N with bored look on his face. Y/N get out of the building, he run toward ??? while sending three black propeller-like energy blast, which ??? parry but lost sight of Y/N.

???: Where-

??? got kicked in the head from behind, revealing Y/N with a serious look on his face. ??? get up with a smile on his face.

As the fight went on Y/N was losing little by little, making ??? happier and happier as he sent 5 white propeller-like energy blast to Y/n who only counter 3 and got hit by the last 2, sending him on the ground. He get up, his left hand on his knee, panting heavily.

???: You had a good start, but that's it. You don't understand your fullbring, you don't undestand us.

Y/N: *huff* *huff* Shut up....

???: You can't beat me, you think you can beat that guy If you get up ? If It's the case then you're wrong. And this time there's no mommy to help or save you.


???: Dumbass, you think you can win like her ? That you are her ? No way. You're not her. She could undestand her weapon, even If she wasn't a Fullbringer

Y/N: Understand my fullbring...

???: You don't even know that an attack is stronger If named.

Y/N eyes widen at that information, he never saw mentioned somewhere before. How does he know that ?

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