Chapter 8: The Cat and The Ice 2

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Y/N wake up from his sleep, yawning he get up and make himself breakfast, which are cereals, since he actually can't cook for his life. However he only made a bowl for only him. Those past two days Chad didn't came home, and stayed with the runaway Blake.

He heard a knock on his door and goes open it, revealing Team RWY.

Y/N:.....Yeah ?

Yang: Blake, did you see her ?

Y/N: Nah.

Yang: I see. Sorry to bother then.

Y/N:.... Chad is with her tho.

Ruby: What ?! Where ?!

Y/N: No idea he didn't tell me where they are, all I know is they are fine and they are with a guy called Sun. I guess that Blake ask Chad to not tell where they are.

Ruby: Oh, that's at least a good news. She didn't came back from the whole week end after all. 

Yang: Who's that Sun guy ?

Y/N: Apparentely It's the monkey dude from the other day.

Weiss: See ! I knew it !

Y/N: Your racism is showing whity.

Weiss: Wha- 

Y/N: Come on girl are really this stupid ?

Weiss: What did you call me ?!

Y/N, seeing that the situation is not gonna improve unless someone talk some sense into her, he wasn't that good to talk sense into peoples but straightforward to show his ideas and he could be mean when needed, so that's what he was going to be, an asshole with morals. With a sigh he told the girls to enter his room for a second. They all seat around a table.

Weiss: Why are you-

Y/N suddenly get up and slap Weiss leaving a red print on her left cheek. Ruby and Yang had a shocked and angered face, while Weiss had shock and confusion on hers. Yang get up, her usual purple eyes became red, but Y/N ignore it.

Yang: What's wrong with you ?!!

Y/N: So, Weiss, what I just did ?

Weiss: You slap me for no reason, you barbaric idiot !

Y/N: Yeah, I did, not Ruby, not Yang, and certainly not Blake. 

Weiss: What are trying to say ?!

Ruby, once, angered by what Y/N just did, understood why he did that, making her calm down.

Y/N: A human slap you, does that mean you're gonna hate every human ? You're gonna hate Ruby and Yang ? Team JNPR ?

Weiss anger started to subsidue as her brain cells start to activate and think of what Y/N just did and said.


Y/N: Not every faunus is your enemy Weiss. The word is not black or white, It's a taint of grey. Everyone can be an ally, a friend but everyone can be an enemy too. What you do is just putting one case AKA white fang and write every faunus as bad.

Y/N: If I was like you I would hate every humans on Remnant. Anyway did you understand you're mistake ? If yes go try to find Blake and apologise.

Weiss just nod. After a while RWY was ready to go search for Blake, until Ruby stop and turn toward Y/N with a concerned look on her face.

Ruby: Hey, what do you mean earlier about hating every humans ?

Does she pick up on everything he says and show ? At this rate If he need to bluff against her in a battle training It's going to be mission impossible. He put a hand on her shoulder.

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