Chapter 14: Get Back From The Storm

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Two weeks has passed since the failed mission of the fullbringer duo. Y/N and Chad were hospitalised, they were taken care by an old friend of them how work at the Vale hospital, Orihime Inoue.

 Y/N and Chad were hospitalised, they were taken care by an old friend of them how work at the Vale hospital, Orihime Inoue

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A fullbringer in disguise but unlike them she just want a peaceful life. Since she is 23 and knew Y/N and Chad since they were kids, she told them to stay with her for a while until they goes to Beacon.

Chad was healed very fast and was out after three days, however Y/N wasn't this lucky as he was in coma for a whole week after the event with Kenpachi. Fortunately Y/N's wound were easily healed by Orihime, but the wait for him to wake up was hard, mainly with Ruby who took the news badly.

When Chad came back to Beacon, his moral was low, he start training more than he usualy does, however It was visible on his face that he was frustrated. Each night he could see Kenpachi mercilessly reaping him to shreds, his friends murdered. He didn't know what to do anymore. Unknowing to him he was distancing himself from his friends, which Team RWBY and Team JNPR noticed very fast.

They tried to talk to him but everything fall on deaf ears. Everyday Blake goes secretly watch over him to see how he was doing and If he wasn't going to do something stupid. 

When Y/N came back at Beacon, he was different, more recluse, he spent less time with his friends, even Chad. One day, Ruby having enough that one of her closest friend was avoiding her decide to confront him na dask what was happening to him.

A burst of petal appear before Y/N who stop walking. Ruby look at him with a frown.

Ruby: We need to talk Y/N.

Y/N:... What ?

Ruby: What's going on with you ? Since you're mission, you are completely different, you are always alone, you're avoiding everyone, even Chad. I can see that something is wrong, but please If something is wrong you need to talk to someone for them to help you.

Y/N looking at Ruby, contemplating what to say. To be honest he didn't want to deal with Ruby, or anyone really. He just wanted to be alone. Since his fight with Kenpachi something awaken, It was dangerous and he knew that, but he didn't know how to deal with this, not yet.

Y/N: It's not your business. My problems are mine to deal with, so leave me alone.

Y/N just walk past her, leaving her shocked as he never acted like that with her, she turn to him.

Ruby: Wait !

But It was too late, Y/N enter his dorm room. Ruby look at the closed door with a sad and disappointed look on her face. She walk away with her head down. She enter her own dorm. Weiss being the only one in the room at the time, noticed Ruby's sadness she overall guessed what happened.

Weiss: I guess your talk didn't work.

Ruby:*whining* Weiss~~

She goes hugging Weiss but she grab her face and push her.

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