Special Halloween: Appear ! Franken Y/N !

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I wanted to do a Halloween chapter is here it is ! No, It's not canon. Enjoy !
A monster was mindlessly walking toward what's look like a castle. As he walked alone, he regain consciousness. The monster looked like Y/N but all patchworked, he even have some bolts on his body.

 The monster looked like Y/N but all patchworked, he even have some bolts on his body

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Franken Y/N: Huh ? Where am I ? Wait is that Beacon ?!

He look around and see a castle far away. As he squeeze his eyes to see better he noticed that the said castle looked like Beacon. Dumbfounded he try to rationalised what was going on until he feel a sharp pain behind his head.

Franken Y/N: Ow What the fuck ?!

???: Language !

Franken: Huh ?

A very small Ruby float in front of him. Ruby was at the seize of a fairy but she had devil-like horns, a tail and wore a blood red dress an hold a small trident.

 Ruby was at the seize of a fairy but she had devil-like horns, a tail and wore a blood red dress an hold a small trident

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                                           (what Ruby is wearing)

Franken Y/N: Ruby ? Is that you ?!

Ruby Ruby: Yep ! I'm Ruby Ruby ! Don't tell me you forgot your friend ?

Franken: Umm No ?

Ruby Ruby: Great ! Let's go to the Beacon castle ! We need to talk to the others about those monster hunter coming for us !

Franken Y/N: "Beacon castle ?! Monster hunters ?! What the hell is going on ?!!" Lead the way.


After arriving back at the castle, Y/N see's Ren dressed as Vampire , Yang dressed as a Witch , Nora as a wolf, Pyrrha dressed as a pumpkin, and Jaune dressed as a Mummy all sitting at a table and Y/N continues telling himself that he's in a dream as he goes to sit down. Ren begins drinking milk.

 Ren begins drinking milk

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