Chapter 2 The village of Phoenix Drop (New world arc)

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Aphmau's POV
I was sleeping in my new bed in my room. It was the next day already so I figured why not sleep in a little bit longer when all of a sudden I heard crying. I got up and went to go check what was going on.

"I can't believe Brighport the village that sells mostly good books no longer have any books available." Kim sobbed

"It's going to be alright Kim besides who needs that stupid port anyways remember we run a library there's tons of books and scrolls here." Emmalyn said comforting her.

"Yeah I guess your right but still we need to convince more people to come." Kim said wiping her tears.

"Is everything alright or did I miss something very very important?" I asked

"Yes everything is fine now go away please." Emmalyn said. Looks like she's still upset about the book fire.

"No Emmalyn don't shoo away our guest. Want breakfast aphmau I know a really good morning recipe from a cook book I found." Kim said

"Yeah sure." I said smiling. As Kim went to the daidokoro (kitchen) and started to read the recipe of her book.

"What are you making Kim?" Emmalyn said

"Oh well i found this recipe and I'm making boiled beans and dried fish." Kim said

"Let me guess we ran out of salt again?" Emmalyn asked

"Yeah but don't worry I heard this a very healthy recipe to start the day." Kim said

~Start song~

~After song~
As Kim finished boiling the beans on the kamado (stove) and the fish was ready, me and Emmalyn helped set the table and we all sat down and started eating the food.

"So aphmau how are you liking Phoenix drop so far?" Kim asked

"Well I haven't seen that much but so far I think it's a comfortable place to live." I said

"Sure you think that but you'll see that once you settle here we have a lot of problems like with trading and the murder of the lord." Emmalyn said

"Emmalyn we don't talk about that!" Kim shouted

"Well sorry but she needs to atleast know the sad hard truth about our lord." Emmalyn replied

"What exactly happened?" I asked

"Well a mysterious fire started and while it happened the lord died but his family went missing." Kim said

"Oh my Irene I can't imagine what the villagers have gone through." I said back in Ok'asis it was never like this but I think when I was younger I heard stories about this specific village.

"So anyways aphmau want to go outside for some fresh air besides me and Emmalyn are going to be moving around some stuff around here." Kim said

"Well if you want I can help you two." I said

"No its fine after all what if you set the bookshelves on fire!" Emmalyn shouted

"I don't even think that's a possibility." Kim said annoyed. After I finished eating I helped wash the dishes and I headed outside walking around and saw that this village really needed help.

~Donna's POV~
As me and Molly were chatting we came across the well that was in the center of the village. It was deep but luckily no one ever fell in it or atleast I hope no one ever had.

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