Chapter 13 The village of Metli (The Metli arc)

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~The next day~
~Aphmau's POV~
We had boarded a different ship a bit bigger then the boat I was using as I was sleeping in one of the ship's room as it was sunrise as I had gotten up and saw that Balto was cooking on the Kamado which was unexpected since I didn't know he could cook.

"Morning Balto, I didn't know you had a knack for cooking." I said as he just scoffed in annoyance.

"There's a lot about me that you don't know privileged." He said as I was kinda annoyed he was still going on about that as Laurence came running in.

"Listen up I have urgent news from my sister." Laurence said as Balto quickly stopped what he was doing.

"What does Lady Cadenza need right now that's so urgent?" Balto asked.

"I don't know but whatever it is we must make our way to the village of Metli." Laurence responded.

~Play opening~

~After opening~
~Terra's POV~
As me and Skylar were walking around Metli trying to familiarize with the environment I was still excited that me and her had a new mission which was spying on the lord of Metli, Lady Cadenza herself however Sky didn't look as much into it.

"What's wrong Sky~sama?" I asked as she snapped out of her gaze.

"Nothing at all why?" She asked looking around.

"Come on we finally get a exciting mission from the Nether as the goal of the mission will help the Nether, us shadow knights and not to mention the Shadows Lord and yet your still bummed out." I said as she kept looking away.

"Maybe I was a bit too hard on Vlyad especially since me and him almost got into another argument again." Skylar said as I rolled my eyes when Vlyad was mentioned.

"Please that crazy son of a bitch can go talk about his fantasy shit somewhere else." I stated as Vlyad was basically an outsider of the Nether and a outcast in the shadow knight community as all of a sudden me and Skylar heard a ship pull in the harbor as she took out her wooden telescope.

"Well time for our job." Sky said now finally getting a little bit more into it.

"Hell yeah it is." I said as Skylar called out there was a ship in the harbor and we walked towards it.

~Aphmau's POV~
I had gotten dress as so did Caleb and Jacob as Caleb was especially happy since it was his birthday today and as we left the ship and stepped on the docks I saw two girls one had dark blue hair and dark brown eyes and the other had black hair and crimson eyes the same color as Balto's as the two girls were both wearing the standard Metli guard armor.

"Are you the people Lady Cadenza needed?" The black haired girl asked as Laurence nodded and handed her a letter.

"I got this from my sister something is going down in Metli and we need to find out what." Laurence said

"Well duh we're guards here of course we have to figure out what the hell is going on!" Balto called out as the two girls started walking us towards a nayaga which was bigger and longer than the normal sized ones in the village as I was walking around I saw how small and peaceful it was here and wondered if maybe one day Phoenix Drop can be just as peaceful.

"By the way my name is Terra and this is my comrade Skylar, we both transferred here from the village of Ito which is located in the Edo region." Terra said as we were all surprised. The Edo region was the biggest and most powerful region in all of Japan as they isolated themselves from other countries except ones like Holland, Portugal, and China as the Edo region hadn't entered war for a very long time as the emperor tries his best to not get involved with the other regions across Japan such as the Ru'an region or Tu'la region due to waning to maintain the status of a peaceful and prosperous empire.

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