Chapter 11 Back at Phoenix Drop (Expanding arc)

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Zoey's POV
It was already nightfall as all of a sudden the villages's receiver suddenly glowed and a healing potion had came out of it and had a little note attached to it that was written in kanji and stated "Dear Zoey, sorry for the wait but I was able to get the healing potion for Garroth. Sign Aphmau" it said as Kiki quickly came up and saw the note and the healing potion.

"How long is Aphmau going to be in Brightport?" She asked

"I don't know but most likely she will come back tomorrow." I said with a smile on my face as Kiki took out her yarn doll and placed it on the receiver and took out a piece of parchment paper and wrote something in kanji with a feather pen and attached it to the doll as she activated the receiver and it vanished.

"Why did you do that?" I asked curiously.

"Well there's a wolf tribe that settles nearby Brightport so I wanted to make sure Aphmau got the doll to signal them not to hurt her." Kiki said as i silently hoped Aphmau made it back safe.

~Play opening~

~After opening~
As I had gotten the potion ready I took off the bandage that was placed on Garroth's wound and poured it over along with some water as I did the same with Brendan. All of a sudden Donna had quickly rushed up with something in her hands.

"What is it Donna~San?" I asked curiously as she handed me the item which was a letter sent by the village of Brightport.

"A Brightport guard had given this to me and wanted me to give it to whoever is in charge but since we don't have a lord and I don't know where the hell Zenix left to I figured I give it to you." She told me as I opened it and read how Brightport has agreed to start trading with us once more.

"Well what does it say?" Kiki asked her voice toned with curiosity but also was nervous a little bit.

"It says here that Brightport has agreed to start trading with us again." I said my voice filled with happiness as Donna's eyes was filled with excitement.

"That's amazing. How in the world did Aph manage to convince Brightport to do that?" Donna asked as I wondered for myself.

"I don't know but whatever she did we should be grateful." Kiki said as I kept holding the letter in my hands still in shock, surprise but also relief and gratitude as well as joy. All of a sudden Kiki suddenly noticed that on the receiver the same one where we got a potion another letter had come from it.

"What did Aphmau sent to us now?" Donna asked as she grabbed the letter when all of a sudden Garroth had awoken sitting on the bed as the wound miraculously healed while Brendan was still getting his rest.

"What happened?" He asked weakly.

"We luckily removed the poison that was injected from the arrow and by a miracle your wound closed and healed itself." Kiki explained as Garroth felt where the wound was when he suddenly looked around and was worried.

"Where's Aphmau?" He asked as I told him that she was still in Brightport and it was her who got the healing potion.

"Anyways what does that note say?" Garroth asked as Donna was confused.

"What note?" She asked

"The one Kiki is holding, it's pretty obvious." He said as Donna looked over and read the note as Kiki face darkened.

"Kiki is everything alright?" I asked worried as she handed the note to me and Donna also had a dark expression on her face.

"Zoey you should probably give this to Garroth." Kiki said in a suggestive but also scared tone.

"What did it say, I need to know." I stated as I looked on with Garroth and read as I was shocked about what it said about Zenix and the horrific truth about him.

"That's impossible." I said as Garroth's hands were trembling in shock.

"Garroth are you alright?" Donna asked softly as Garroth has his head down.

"How could he do this, after everything...Zenix just left." Garroth said shakily as Zenix was Garroth's apprentice who he took in and trained and Garroth thought of Zenix as a son. Despite me and Zenix having our differences I also to felt shocked but also saddened about his betrayal.

"I can't believe Zenix is really a shadow knight." Garroth said as he still couldn't get over the fact of the news.

"I always knew Zenix was a bit off but still I would've never expected this." Donna states as Kiki nodded her head in agreement as all of a sudden Kenmur came up excited.

"Great news guys luckily me and my crew managed to fill in the tunnel and while doing so we repaired some houses and even managed to finish the first floor of the lord's nayaga so all that's left is the second floor and the roof." Kenmur said as he looked around and quickly sensed the unease and quickly toned it down.

"Am I interrupting something important cause I feel like I am." He said as Garroth looked.

"Well your timing wasn't exactly the right time to deliver good news towards us but it's still exciting news." Donna said trying to lighten the news as she sighed knowing the tension in the room hasn't really lifted yet.

"No it's alright Kenmur." Garroth mumbled as I sat next to him.

"Look Garroth I know this unexpected news and it breaks my heart to see you act like this I know what it feels like when somebody you trust so dearly suddenly does the unthinkable but there's going to be a time where you have to let go." I stated

"I know I'm probably not the best at giving advice even though I am immortal. But during my years of immortality I have seen people come into this world and out and people have grieved over their lost loved ones." I said as memories of the years flooded in my head and I have seen both birth of life and the death of life many times. Betrayal was a rare occurrence that happened and when it did a wave of grief, anger, sadness, unease came into the minds of people. This is probably the first time someone close that I knew very well has betrayed me and I couldn't stand to see Garroth go through these waves of emotions.

"I appreciate your efforts Zoey. Really I do but I think I need some time alone." Garroth said as I nodded and everyone including I left the room as I turned one last time and headed downstairs.

~Play ending~

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