Chapter 5 The baby in the basket (The new world arc)

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~Vlyad's POV and the Next day~
I can't believe I couldn't stop Sasha from doing it. Anyways I still have to focus on my own mission. As I had the box in my hand I saw where my elder brother's guard tower was and left the box over there before anyone could see me, as I placed the cradle gently and I heard footsteps.

"I hear something this way!" A guard shouted as I quickly ran back to my hiding spot.

~play opening~

~After song~
Garroth's POV~
As me, Zenix, and Zoey all heard something from outside we all quickly got out of the guard tower and saw that there was opened box well no I think it was a cradle.

"Is that a box or cradle?" Zenix asked

"It's definitely a cradle but wait what's inside of it?" Zoey asked as I leaned over and saw baby that had blonde hair and light blue eyes.

"It's a baby!" I shouted shocked

"Who in wrong mind would leave their child alone!" Zoey called out

"I don't but all I know is that this infant doesn't belong to any of the villagers here." Zenix said

"Well we can't leave him alone. I know let's bring the baby to Aph maybe she can take good care of him." I said as I gently picked up the cradle and started walking over towards the library as Zoey knocked on the door.

~Aphmau's POV~
I was sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who that could be? I went downstairs and opened the library door as I saw Zoey, Zenix, and Garroth who was holding a cradle in his hands.

"Hey Aphmau there's um something that Zenix needs to tell you. Go ahead Zenix tell Aphmau what about our favor." Garroth said pushing Zenix to the front as he looked back in panic and was annoyed.

"What why me, if anything Garroth has to tell you about the favor." Zenix said pushing Garroth back to the front.

"What no I don't!" Garroth shouted as he and Zenix started to fight and argue who should tell me about the favor until finally Zoey broke it up.

"Alright you idiots stop fooling around. I'm so sorry Aphmau~san but um we found a baby outside of the guard tower and since we know with everything going on the villagers are probably not able to watch over the baby do you think you can? If you have room of course and if your up for it." Zoey said as I saw the baby in the cradle and picked him up holding him in my arms.

"What's his name?" I asked as Garroth found the name inscribed on the cradle in Kanji.

"It says here his name is Levin." Garroth replied

"Where else can he stay?" I also ask.

"Well if you say no then the next course of action is to send him to priest anywhere in the Ru'an region." Zenix replied as the baby cooed and smiled at me as our eyes met. I have to admit Levin does look cute and adorable he even reminds me of when Ein was a baby.

"I'll see if Emmalyn and Kim have more spare room and then I'll make my decision." I said putting baby Levin back in the cradle and saw both Emmalyn and Kim now both downstairs.

"Kim what did you now?!" Emmalyn shouted

"I didn't do anything however what is going on here and why is Garroth holding a cradle with a baby in it?" Kim asked

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