Chapter 4 The explosion (The new world arc)

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~Vlyad's POV and the Next day~
As I was watching Phoenix Drop keeping my distance so I don't get caught like I almost did last I was seeing how the girl who looked familiar was helping out the village which shows how I'm able to leave him here with her tomorrow.

"Still watching over that pathetic village Vlyad?" Gene asked as I jumped down from my hiding spot.

"Yeah so it's not your business." I said as he pulled out his sword.

"Oh I think it is after all Terra gave me the full report yesterday and she told me how you were watching the village again even though you were forbidded." Gene said as he slashed his sword but luckily I stopped it with my sword.

"I'm just making sure my brother is okay unlike you." I said struggling.

"Look I get that you were human before and you still have that ounce of humanity left in you that I don't understand since I'm a pure-blooded shadow knight however you need to know where your loyalties lie and if it's not to the shadow lord and Nether then my advice stay out of the way." Gene said as our swords stopped clashing with each other and started walking away.

"Also one more thing Sasha is going to be at the docks this evening for a little explosion." Gene said as I knew today was the day of Sasha's plan which I had to find a way to stop.

~play opening~

~After song~
~Aphmau's POV~
As I woke up I got dressed and headed downstairs, it looked like neither Kim or Emmalyn was awake yet so I decided to cook something for the morning. I started to get some ingredients such as shrimp, sweet potatoes, eggplant, kabocha squash, green beans, cake flour, baking powder, and a few more. I was making a serving of tempura since I had wanted to help Kim~san with the cooking as I was removing the unnecessary parts of the shrimp I saw Emmalyn come downstairs.

"Morning Emmalyn I was just making some tempura." I said smiling

"Oh okay." She said bringing the last box of books down as she gathered atleast 15 boxes of books and put them on a cart.

"There hopefully his presentation goes well." Emmalyn said looking up.

"Hey Emmalyn is Kim awake yet?" I asked

"No not yet she had a long night yesterday oh by the way Brendan is starting the layout of the house if you want to go help and I'll handle breakfast." Emmalyn said

"It's fine I'll help later after all you guys do need some help around the library." I said as Donna walked in the library with a basket of crops in her hand.

"Hey you two." Donna said walking in as Emmalyn looked annoyed.

"Oh my Irene do you know you can't bring crops in the library!" Emmalyn shouted

"And don't you know that you have to be super quiet especially since this is a library." Donna replied back as Emmalyn looked away annoyed at Donna.

"So what happened Donna?" I asked

"Well some of the crops that you mysteriously healed were ready to harvest so I decided to go sell them to the marketplace, stores, and here at the library after all now that Brighport is planning on trading with us again we need to start selling more items." Donna said placing the basket down.

"How much are the crops I know Kim wanted to do something with them." Emmalyn said

"It's for 25 yen." Donna said as Emmalyn handed her the money and shooed her away getting the crops and placing them on the counter. After a good while the tempura was ready and Emmalyn helped set up the table as Kim finally woke up.

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