Chapter 6 Garroth's face (The new world arc)

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~Sasha's POV~
As I got back to the shadow knight guard tower I went to go look for Gene. I went into Hazel's study room and saw she was writing something since she had her feather pen in her hand and look like she was writing a letter until she noticed me.

"Hazel." I said calmly

"Sasha." She replied back probably annoyed that I didn't knock.

"Didn't anyone teach you how to knock." Hazel said annoyed while focusing on writing the letter.

"Look I know that your busy but I need to look for Gene to tell him something about the witch girls." I said

"You mean Ally and Alyssa, what do you want with them now?" Hazel asked as she stopped writing and put her feather pen down.

"Well Gene had told me to go ask Alyssa or her twin sister if either one of them can perform the sacrifice and they both said no so now me and Gene have to figure out what to do now." I explained.

"I think he's eastern wing of the guard tower also the twins probably don't want to get involved with all this bullshit." Hazel replied.

"Probably." I said as I started walking towards the door until I saw that Hazel was going to say something.

"Wait just to let you know, today's the day the attack will be launched." Hazel said as I nodded and I walked out.

~play opening~

~After song~
Aphmau's POV
Before me, Kim and Emmalyn went to Logan's house I had Zoey come over to watch over Levin so he's not all by himself.

"You sure you know how to watch a baby?" I asked

"Trust me aph like I said I have experience watching children especially infants." Zoey said with a reassuring smile.

"It's the truth I also have hears stories that she helps deliver babies." Emmalyn added as she and Kim were near the door.

"Okay then we'll be back soon." I said as the three of us headed over to Logan's nayaga and saw him working on fixing his walls I also saw him with Donna who was helping him. I could tell that she was still in major grief but it looked like she was hiding her pain.

"Hey guys." I said calmly as Donna turned around and saw Kim and Emmalyn holding the crib.

"Hey Aph." Donna said with no emotion as she turned away and focused on painting the walls.

"Hey Donna why are nerds and that newbie here?" Logan asked looking grumpy well more like sounded grumpy and also annoyed.

"We are not nerds lover boy!" Kim shouted

"Yeah at least we are smarter and have a better education than you." Emmyln said

"Yeah sure whatever. Look if your just here to argue with Donna again then get lost." Logan said

"It's fine Logan, Aph came here to meaning Emmalyn probably doesn't want to pick a fight after all with everything that just happened I don't feel like arguing." Donna said looking down.

"Hey Donna if you want ever want to talk I'm right here." I said

"Thanks Aph it's just after everything that happened yesterday I'm still shocked that it happened all so quickly I mean Visher was such a nice man he didn't deserve to what happened to him." Donna said sadly as all of a sudden I saw Kiki walking over carrying a child who had black hair, the same green eyes, and had black werewolf ears and tail.

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