Chapter 14 Shadow soul attack (The Metli arc)

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Aphmau's POV
As I was outside as I was wondering what the group was talking about as I saw Vincent along with Zack and Ulrich walking out the door of the nayaga. 

"What the hell is going on Vincent?!" Balto asked as Vincent shoved him aside.

"It was just personal matters that's all it's not any of your concern." He replied in a serious tone as he walked away and Balto rolled his eyes and scoffed.

~Play opening~

~After opening~
As Caleb and Jacob were playing tag and Balto was on his daily patrol, I had decided to take a stroll around Metli as I saw someone near one of the rice paddles.

"Oh hello there." I said in a friendly smile as she was looking around through the wheat.

"Oh hello, could you bother to leave me be right now I am in quite the dilemma right now." She said in a hurried tone

"Well what is it that you need help with?" I asked in a curiously.

"I need to harvest these crops but there's a lot and not enough buckets. Not to mention this giant rat in the basement of my nayaga chewed through one of the wheat sacks and it spilled all over " She said in a rushed and stressed voice.

"If you want I can help you with harvesting, I don't mind. Also I think I might know a way how to get rid of the rats" I said as the woman looked surprised but also happy.

"Really that would be such a big help. Oh and by the way my name is Aerath." She said

"Nice to meet you the name's Aphmau." I responded as I had started to get a few buckets and started collecting the crops.

~Hazel's POV~
I was on patrol with Terra and Skylar as we had decided to head more towards downtown of Metli where most of the villagers are as Terra was against it and Skylar was flattered by the men trying to get her attention as for me I had try my best to annoy flirtatious men.

"Focus Sky!" I called out as she was talking to one of the villagers who was flirting with her and I pulled her aside.

"Didn't tell Gene us to try and avoid going to this part of Metli since we could draw too much attention to ourselves." Terra said as I rolled my eyes.

"It doesn't matter besides where in Metli right now not the Nether." I said as I saw Vincent and Laurence walking towards us as I got annoyed since those two were perfect examples of men who just want to look for love and have fun with it. I also saw Balto, Laurence's younger brother Caleb, and another kid was following them.

"Oh look Terra it's Hazel's crush." Skylar whispered as I rolled my eyes.

"Me and him are just friends you know that right?" I asked as I greeted him.

"Why hello Hazel your looking lovely." Laurence said in a flirtatious manner as I pushed him away before he kissed my hand.

"Nice try pretty boy but ask someone who's interested." I said as Balto just laughed.

"Damn not even a Prince Charming like you can mess with Hazel." Balto teasingly said.

"Oh come Hazel your never interested in having fun with love especially not passionate love." Vincent said.

"That's because I'm rather interested in a guy who's mind is at work." I said

"Caleb and Jacob listen and learn if you want to pull bitches." Vincent said as the two nodded.

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