Chapter 7 To Brighport (The Brighport arc)

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Aphmau's POV
~The next day~
It was early in the morning when I decided to get up and go visit the infirmary where Garroth and Brendan are. As I was leaving I decided to get a bag of mizuame which is a Japanese candy that is a sweet liquid made with rice knowing that was his favorite.

"That would be 35 yen please." The woman said as I gave her the yen as she handed me the bag. As I was walking I noticed the sunrise and how beautiful it was and then I heard the bell ring knowing it was time for the guards day shift to begin.

-Play Opening-

-After Opening-
As I got to the infirmary I saw that both Garroth and Brendan were laying down however Brendan was still asleep while Garroth was awake however was still in pain.

"Hey I bought you some mizuame." I said as I put the bag on the counter next to him as he sat up grunting a little.

"Thanks Aph." He said smiling softly as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Did you and Emmyln leave at the same time or different times?" I asked him as he started to open the bag of candies.

"We left during different times she left before me then I decided to leave O'kasis due to some difficulties." He said looking down as he started munching on some of the mizuame.

"Do you know what happened to Katelyn?" I asked

"She decided to stay so she can help her father." Garroth responded.

"What about Jeffery and Ivy?" I asked

"Well Jeffery stayed due to him starting a relationship with someone as for Ivy she went to go visit her cousin's village during the summer and came back after the season was over." He replied.

"And what about Zane?" I asked curiously.

"Well before I left me and him weren't exactly on good terms anymore so he kept his distance." Garroth said looking down when all of a sudden both Zoey and Donna walked in.

"Hey Aphmau didn't expect you to be here." Donna said.

"Yeah well I was just visiting Garroth." I said as I got up.

"So how are the conditions of me and Brendan so far?" Garroth asked.

"Well usually me and Donna would be able to heal you two up pretty quickly however the arrow that was shot at you wasn't a ordinary one." Zoey said as me and Garroth both looked at each confused and concerned.

"Zoey what are you talking about?" I asked worried.

"Well they were both shot with a poisonous arrow meaning the poison substance that was injected or enchanted on that arrow is flowing through their bodies right now but very slowly." Donna said

"Well is there a cure or some sort of treatment?" Garroth asked

"Well there is luckily however we don't have the ingredients to make the healing potion the village that has the items we need is the village of Brightport." Zoey said

"The village where healers live can't you guys go there and the things you need." I stated.

"Well after what happened to Visher we can't take anymore risks that's why we're sending a letter hoping Brightport will give us the stuff we need and hopefully they can start trading with us." Donna said as I looked in shock. Will the letter even get there in time? As I thought about it for a moment I realized we couldn't wait until last minute so I decided to do it.

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