Chapter 12 The mob wave (Expanding arc)

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Aphmau's POV
It made it clear that whatever the shadow figure was that it wanted to cause harm to both me and Laurence as we both drew our weapons and was ready to attack.

"You really think you stand a chance against my power?" The shadow figure asked menacingly as it laughed and me and Laurence readied our swords prepared to attack.

~Play opening~

~After opening~
All of a sudden the room had started shaking as the figure summed skeletons with their usual weapon as a bow and arrow however something was off about them. They we're more faster and aggressive.

"Watch out!" Laurence called out as one of the arrows was about to hit me and he quickly moved me aside the arrow grazed against his sleeve and went into his skin a little however he didn't react to the pain and just pulled it out, not only that the cut immediately stopped bleeding.

"What exactly are they?" I asked.

"These type of skeletons are wither skeletons they are most swifter and faster then normal skeletons also some of them are more violent then others so be careful." Laurence explained as the wither skeletons kept shooting their arrows at us as I quickly slashed most of them as did Laurence as the shadow figure blasted a shadow ray as we both dodged.

"Who exactly are you?" I asked the figure as he could only laugh at the question.

"Maybe your companion knows." He said with a wicked grin as I turned around towards Laurence for an answer as he kept on fighting the wither skeletons.

"I'm not exactly familiar with whatever that thing is all I know that it's dangerous and harnesses some sort of dark energy that controls the Nether." Laurence replied as I noticed something strange and the cut he had gotten from the arrow was now nothing but a faint scar as I was confused but I didn't have time to think about it as the figure had some shadows and they started to attack and I fended them off.

~Laurence's POV~
As the figure summoned shadows to fight against Aphmau I realized that he had summoned shadow souls which were dead souls. I also noticed that aphmau saw my cut was healed as I realized I have to be more careful and avoid being harmed as it could expose my true self. As I kept cutting the skeletons my head had starting hurting badly as the shadow souls we're trying to get into my head. If they did then I could reveal my power and potentially hurt Aph. 

I maintained my composure as I eliminated that last of the wither skeletons as I quickly rushed over to kiva's cage and once again open the door only this time it was not only closed by lock as the key had been hidden but I couldn't use my ability in front of Aphmau as I decided to use my sword as it sliced through the steel bars as Kiva looked panicked as I tried to calm her down.

"It's going to be alright, I promise." I told her as my hand rubbed her fur as she wagged her tail in relief as I picked her up as I knew I also had to help Aphmau while at the same time protecting kiva.

~Back to Aphmau's POV~
As I had managed to defeat the last of the shadow souls and the rest of the wither skeletons I kept dodging the attacks of the spirit and saw how Laurence was successfully able to free kiva as the spirit got annoyed.

"Looks like I'll have to deal with you myself boy." He told Laurence as he used his shadow magicks but I quickly used my sword and fended the magic off like a shield that acts to a barrier of magic as I decided to use my relic hunter technique.

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