Chapter 9 The werewolf attack (The brightport arc)

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???'s POV
As Ivan walked in and headed towards where I was sitting, I waited listening for anything he found.

"I often wonder what you are." He stated.

"Hmph I am nothing but a simple man." I replied as he laughed.

"Simple? Would a simple man have the jury of nine at his disposal? Would he be the heir of the throne to O'kasis? You have more power than you realize." Ivan said

"Yet it's still not enough. You as a powerful warlock should know this Ivan." I said a little bit annoyed about his statement with me having power.

"I've heard rumors about you the high priest of O'kasis. People fear, they worship you, some even respect you." Ivan as I was not surprised at all as citizens would talk about the royal family in whispers.

"Did you find anything interesting or useful in your time in the western Edo region?" I asked

"It would be a fool for me to question this mysterious power your looking for sir." He said

"But what does that have to do with the power or even the question I just asked you?" I asked trying my best to not lose my patience.

"Well during my time in the west I've heard rumors of people with special healing abilities have been going missing many claim it's shadow knights others don't believe it. However in the western towers they know tons of things about the matron herself such as her abilities, her time as a divine warrior, and even the power your looking for." Ivan had said as I was now fully engaged in the conversation.

"Oh really, did you and your partner Katelyn managed to get some answers out of them?" I asked interested.

"The studied scholars refused to respond a single word especially after they found out you were behind all of this, their the type who fears you." Ivan said

"Well then looks like I shall have a word with them." I said getting up and walking away.

~Play opening~

~After opening~
~Aphmau's POV~
As me and the man left the passage way I saw both Jacob and Laurence still waiting.

"Oh thank Irene your okay, me and Jacob were about to check up on you but then the tunnel closed and we couldn't get in!" Laurence exclaimed as he hugged me and I was surprised and we both backed away.

"Can you extras calm it down over there!" Balto yelled as he came in along with John.

"Says the guy who's always screaming and yelling. I'm surprised you haven't lost your voice yet." Laurence said teasingly

"Shut up Zhval!" He called out as Laurence laughed a little and John saw the man and was shocked.

"How did you guys find Lord Burt?" John asked shocked.

"The better question is where was he and what the heck happened to him." Jacob said

"Well I found him locked in a jail cell and apparently he got knocked out and became unconscious for a little while. Not only that but shadow knights had kidnapped him." I explained as I turned around and looked at him.

"Do you remembered what happened?" Laurence asked

"Well all I know was one minute I was making a healing potion and then a masked man with a crimson sword had knocked me out, not only that but he had a amulet with him that allowed it take away other people's magicks. Next thing you know I'm trapped in a cell waiting to be killed." Lord Burt said as everyone in the room was stunned and in shocked.

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