Chapter 15 The maid cafe (The wyvern realm arc)

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Hazel's POV
I had saw Vincent running in a different direction as Ulrich was following him but seemed to got lost and had approached us a he also heard the scream.

"If they find the alter then we're done for." Skylar whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry they will never find it." I whispered back as my head started to hurt as I panicked as my shadow knight abilities allowed me to sense shadow souls whether they were formed or killed. I could also manipulate shadows souls to make them stronger but that drains more of my energy and stamina. All of a sudden Zack came running towards us.

"Good news, Vincent just informed me through his communication amulet that Lady Cadenza is alright however she was captured by the shadow souls but luckily both he and Aphmau saved her." Zack announced as Skylar looked panicked and Terra was in shock though not visibly.
~Start opening~

~After opening~
~Aphmau's POV~
As the last of shadow souls vanished everyone regrouped back in Cadenza's nayaga as she was laying on the futon still knocked out.

"She should wake up soon." Terra said as Caleb along with Laurence kept checking up on her.

"What I want to know is why did they want Cadenza and how the hell they got in Metli's defenses." Balto stated

"Maybe they somehow teleported inside of the village?" The brown haired girl suggested as I was still confused on who was she as she noticed this.

"Oh I forgot to formally introduce myself my name is Hazel one of the other guards here in Metli." Hazel said as we shook hands.

"Hazel here is someone not to be messed with because she's a badass and knows how to fight with almost any hand to hand weapon." Balto stated as I was surprised of how highly he spoke of her.

"Hazel and Balto are practically best friends especially since they are hot headed and are loud." Vincent said as the two got annoyed.

"No I'm not!" Balto yelled out loud.

"Shut the fuck up Vincent! No one had asked you to speak!" Hazel shouted as well.

"You see what I mean?" Vincent asked with a smirk as I nodded and chuckled.

"Yeah I could totally see it." I said teasingly as Hazel just rolled her eyes and Balto just scoffed and glared mainly at Vincent.

"Anyways Vincent what happened back there?" Laurence asked as I suddenly remembered what I had saw as I started to realize that Vincent isn't normal.

"Well we encountered a few shadow souls and I saw Aphmau as she was trying to save Cadenza I luckily came and helped her before she was killed." Vincent explained.

"Your not a ordinary human are you?" I asked as surprisingly nobody reacted in shock.

"So you finally figured it out?" Ulrich asked I was confused.

"What do you mean by I finally figured it out?" I asked curiously as I was vaguely confused.

"Well the truth is I'm a shadow knight, I gained immortality when I was only 18 years old by killing my brother." Vincent said calmly as if it was the most causal thing in the world.

"Before you react there's a good reason on why he did it." Terra added.

"My brother after he became a lord has become power hungry and became a tyrant ruler far from the brother I had once known who was loving and kind. He didn't care about the villagers or me anymore and after my death he didn't even mourn me. So I came back as a shadow knight and killed him to make sure he wouldn't harm anyone else. However I never lost control and I still have my memories of when I was human." Vincent explained

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