Chapter 3 Rebuilding (New world arc)

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Aphmau's POV
Everyone including myself was still in shocked of what happened yesterday. Garroth said it was magicks but I told him that I didn't have any or atleast I think I didn't. Donna and others thought it was miracle but to be honest I really don't know.

After breakfast I walked towards the rice paddle were I had supposedly healed the crops and I walked to the other side were there still dead crops I put my hand on the soil and focused on healing them but it didn't work at all.

"What are you doing now?" Emmalyn asked as she came behind.

"Did Zoey or Donna tell you about yesterday how I healed the crops?" I asked

"No I don't talk to Donna and as for Zoey she was busy on patrol as usual." Emmalyn said looking annoyed.

"Are you okay it seems that you have a face of annoyance on did you and Donna get into another argument again?" I asked

"Well it's just me and Zoey used to be close friends but now with the death of the lord she's been too busy patrolling and never really taking a break at all and wait a minute why am I telling you this!?" Emmalyn asked loudly

"No no its okay I won't tell actually I remember having a friend back at O'kasis who I was really close with. She became quite busy after her father fell ill and was always tired but yet she was still smiling. Then something happened were we got into a argument and I stopped talking to her and I left because after that day everything changed for the worse." I said remembering her.

"Isn't it a bit to early to act all sentimental?" Emmalyn asked

"Oh sorry I have a habit of doing that sometimes but my point is Zoey probably feels the same way and you have to know guards don't have it easy either." I said as all of a sudden there was a loud crash near one of the houses.

"What is with all these chaotic things happening?" Emmalyn asked as we went to go see and saw a guy and a few other people as there was a tunnel formed under the house.

~Play opening

~After song~
"That's a huge ass tunnel." I said shocked and trying to avoid all the smoke.

"Oh hey Emmalyn." The guy said, he had light brown hair and eyes and it looked like he had glasses on his head.

"Kenmur what the hell is going on here!?" Emmalyn shouted.

"Well one of the villagers said they had a underground animal problem so we went to go investigate and captured the wild animal however we accidentally created a tunnel with all the destruction." Kenmur said feeling guilty.

"Hey Aphmau I was just looking for you and what happened over here?" Brendan asked

"Long story short my group accidentally destroyed the bottom of a house and created a tunnel." Kenmur said

"It's going to take a lot of stone to fix it. Anyways aph I was wondering can you help me rebuild and fix the old Lord's house." Brendan said as he explained they  teared it down and are planning to rebuild it for the next new lord.

"Yeah sure I'll help." I said

"Great and while you two are doing that I'm going to start collecting some stone to fix the tunnel with my crew." Kenmur said as me and Brendan left and headed to the house which there was still a few parts of it still standing.

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