Chapter 16 The realm of wyverns (The wyvern realm arc)

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~Terra's POV~
I was in shock as I had found the letter and my hands were shaking as I had no idea on how to respond as Skylar had just looked away in guilt.

"Terra what's going on here?" Hazel asked as she had followed me outside as Skylar's body was trembling as she probably thought Hazel would be disappointed in her decision.

"Read this letter that Sky wrote!" I exclaimed urgently as Hazel read it as she put down the paper and panicked.

"Sky what the hell has gotten into you? Didn't you say you wanted to do this mission?" Hazel asked as Skylar didn't respond for a bit.

"Hazel calm down besides this is Skylar's choice. Also if we just yell at her without getting a good explanation then we're just being toxic." I said knowing hazel and how she hated being toxic or being treated differently because she was a women.

"Yeah your right can you get me my communication amulet the one I use to contact Gene?" She asked as I nodded and Skylar panicked.

"No please Hazel you know how much trouble how I'll get into." Skylar said as Hazel sighed heavily.

"I know and there's only one way to handle this." Hazel responded as I gave her communication amulet and told Skylar to be quiet as it glowed meaning Gene answered.

"Hazel is everything alright?" Gene asked in a calm voice although he sounded a bit annoyed.

"Yeah everything's alright it's just something terrible happened to Sky so she's in no condition to come back to the Nether or complete the mission." Hazel explained as she wrapped up her conversation with Gene and Skylar had a grateful look on her face as I hugged her for comfort.

"Just be careful that you don't get discovered for what you are." Hazel said in low and quiet tone as Sky nodded and me and her smiled.

~play opening~

~After opening~
~Aphmau's POV~
As the man bought us to a secluded area in the forest away from the maid cafe as I saw him take out a realm pen which are special utensils that people use to draw portals to other realms that require a sacrifice.

"I can't believe we agreed to this." Balto mumbled, very annoyed at the fact that I accepted this old man's offer.

"It can't be that bad besides don't you like a little bit of excitement?" Laurence asked as Balto looked away from him and scoffed.

"Don't think I'm still not mad at you." He said in a low threateningly tone as the man drew a circle and drew the Irene symbol and then put a scale which looked similar to a dragon scale.

"Excuse me sir but what type of portal are you making?" Jacob asked curiously as the man didn't respond for a while.

"We'll just have to wait and see." I said to him as Jacob nodded as soon the man said a few words in what sounded like Latin as somehow Laurence understood.

"What is he saying?" I asked Laurence as he smiled and stroked my hair which made my heart skip a bit.

"I don't know but what I do know is that your looking awfully gorgeous today." Laurence said in a playful seductive tone as I blushed not knowing what to say.

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