Time for camping! - #10

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I wanted to do Dialtown content, so you have Dialtown content.
+ Gingi uses they/them and it/its for this. And you can decide if it's Phonegingi or Typegingi.

Also I'm sorry if the characters are too out of character :(

But again I consider all I do too much out of character so-

I guess, with this. You can enjoy!


"Why are we here?" Asked yet again Gingi despise the fact they asked 3 minutes before the same question.

"Could you stop saying that?" Replied Norm that was annoyed by their behavior.

"Oh! I'm sorry. It's just that O have short memory so I NEVER remember things that DOESN'T matter" Said Gingi quite sarcastic not knowing half of the words they have said, there was a pause and they continued " NOW, why are we here?" Said Gingi asking again the same question.

Oliver sighed and decided to explain it what they were doing here. "We are here because we are going to camping, we are never togheter. Not like before, it's always because of our jobs or... Whatever... You do. So, why not camping?" Said Oliver a little optimistic.

"So Olive-man, you brought me here. Just for doing, what I always do? Survive?" Gingi tilted its head confused.

"Yeeaaaah. But, this time you will do it with your friends?" Oliver said doubting his choice of words but a little happy. The first time he went to camping was with Mr. Dickens, he hopes it's as good as he remembers.

"First step. Put the tents for everyone" Said Oliver, already finishing with his tent when he turned to see how his friends were doing.

Karen and Norm already finished with their tents.

Gingi was laying down on the dirt. Which they would call "tent" since... Their tent was back at the park.

And Randy was sitting on the dirt too, rocking back and forth since the swans had stole his tent.

Everything seemed alright. Randy could survive and Gingi was just being Gingi.

Everyone decided to do something to pass the time to wait for the night, Karen was trying to see if there was a horse near to paint it, Norm was searching some wood for the bonfire and Oliver, Gingi and Randy (being threatened) went to explore the 'beauty' of nature a little.

Oliver breath the fresh air deeply (from where? I don't know. Just follow with the story), it was so long since he didn't relaxed like that for the stress of working in the scareshack or when he worked at the cinema. But, he did it for Mr. Dickens, that man did so much for him so he wanted to return the favour.

He was the one who taught him all that was necessary after all.

Gingi got him out of his thoughts, running to every direction like a dog with rabies. Oliver started running until noticed Randy didn't move.

Later, he decided to come back. He couldn't let him like that anyway.

"Randy? It's everything alright?" Asked Oliver a little worried. The Nokia nod and gave him a thumbs up showing everything was ok.

But, the one in red shirt didn't believe it.

"You don't have to lie to me Rad, I can help you! I... You just need to tell me what's wrong, of course if you...want " Said Oliver with a calm voice grabbing Randy's hand. This did that his counterpart look at his phonehead.

"I- I-" Randy tried to tell Oliver what he thought, he took a deep breath and said it "I d-don't think camping was a good idea an- and what if there is a swan? What if I fell and my head explotes?" Said the one with cyan jacket grabbing his forearm without separating Oliver's hand, but the mentioned grabbed his two hands with bandages.

"Everything is going to be just fine Randy and don't worry, if it makes you feel better I will be with you" Said Oliver reassuring the Nokia, this worked and if they have faces they would be smiling. Until they noticed their hands togheter and Oliver decided to let go.

"Welp, We better get going searching Phonegingi! We don't want it to escape... Or that he is again the reason in another store for banning the color green." The last sentence was muttered by Oliver which started running where supposedly Gingi was. Randy stayed some seconds processing what just happened when he decided to follow the short male.

"Hey guys! You finally decided to come" Said a voice in a mountain. It was Gingi waiving their hand. It was waiting for them.

"Hey! We were asking where-" Oliver was cut off by Gingi which was pointing to the sky. Randy and Oliver decided to sit and look up.

There were shooting stars in the sky.

It was beautiful. Gingi decided to lay on the dirt near a tree, meanwhile their companions sitting near them. They seemed to forgot where they were for a moment, it seemed to last hours but it was really just minutes.

"What are you-" A feminine voice asked, being cut off when she saw the sky. It was Karen and behind her was Norm, they seem to have search for them since they wondered off. Gingi turned to them and did the same gesture that it did with Randy and Oliver.

The rest of the group did the same and sit, enjoying this moment. Enjoying the wind which was cold but comfortable.

Gingi decided to climb on the tree to enjoy the view better, when they were trapped in the zoo it would look at the stars so they could sleep and forget it was trapped.

But, as always, the green cryptic always was fascinated with shinny things, so this wasn't surprising.

Norm decided to lay down on the start of the tree, meanwhile the other three were still in the same place hugging each other meanwhile they saw the shooting stars.

Definitely this was a night to remember.

Later of while, and that Norm almost fell asleep. They decided to go to the camping spot, for their luck Karen knew the way because everyone else forgot completely about it.

In their way they could heard how Big Foot ran willingly through the forest, obviously Gingi couldn't contain itself and waved and almost gets to run with Big Foot but Norm grabbed them before they could do something.

Norm started the fire and everyone prepared some smores. Even if Gingi didn't waited for the fire and just straight up eat them because "food is food".

When they ended, everyone went to their tents to sleep except for Randy and Gingi that slept outside. They already were used with the cold and sleep on uncomfortable places so that was not a problem.

They should reunite more often.


Fun fact: I was planning to do this one-shot with Dayshift at Freddy's but with a completely different plot. But, I heard "Meteor shower" from Cavetown and I started to like even more Dialtown (I liked it before. But now I like it more.) + KAREN PLUSHIE DROP. SO WHY NOT????

Another fun fact: Instead of the shooting stars part and the Olandy moment there, I was thinking to add Theodore so they encounter in the middle of the camping, and they went in an adventure with him.

But decided to don't do it and instead do a little bit of fluff. So, if you want me to do that idea like an alternative ending, a sequel from this one-shot or another one-shot that has nothing to do with this. You can tell me!

With this I go!

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