Horses - #13

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Ah and I'm sorry if they don't act like the canon, I didn't knew how to put them on this situation. Also, if someone wants this taken down for any reason I will gladly do so!



Karen was sitting on the couch, looking through some horse's videos when someone knocked on the door.

She went to answer because the sound of the knock was becoming annoying and was angering her.

"Who?- oh it's you" The brown printer say without interested encountering Norm in the door "What are you doing here?" Asked Karen tilting her printer? head? Norm sighed and replied "Well, I wondered if ya' maybe... wanted me to go and teach ya' how to ride a horse? Or at least looking them if ya' don't want that" Norm left out some nervous chuckles.

Karen thought about it, she didn't have nothing to do today and it would have her ideas of what to drive and she would get ideas for drawings. Besides she would learn how to ride a horse, and how to decline seeing a horse?

"It's alright! I will do it. We go now or...?" She said trailing off waiting an answer from Norm, he just smiled and nodded. "Yeah, unless you have something to do?" She shaked her head and the two went to a field.


The man with a head covered by a paper bag breath some fresh air. "Don't ya' think it's beautiful Karen? It isn't bad some fresh air. Amirite?" The woman just nodded, she was focused on seeing where the horses where.

Until she saw them.

Those beautiful creatures that she admired and loved so much, where in that place eating, drinking or running free through the field.

In her eyes (eyes?) was beautiful, maybe other people didn't know how to appreciate the beauty of these animals. But she did.

She went running where all of them were, taking Norm off of guard making him ran and scream "Wait for me!"

Karen already got where all the horses where, she didn't want to interrupt whatever they were doing for fear of scaring them, that was the less she wanted. She grabbed one of her sleeves thinking of what could happen. She could fell and end like a bruise in her printer like Randy? The horses would be scared of her?

She started to play with her hands for nervousness, she was starting to reconsider her decision. Maybe it was best seeing them through the distance.

A sight besides her scared her. It was Norm catching his breath. "The truth is ya' ran pretty fast, or maybe 'm gaining weight, who knows?" Norm pause and waited for Karen to say something, but like she didn't talk he kept talking "Welp, better get starting." He started walking towards the horses but noticed how Karen didn't follow him.

Norm turned to see Karen and noticed she was grabbing her sleeves. "Hey, what's it?"  He asked a little worried, Karen shaked her head trying to find some words to explain what she wanted to say.

He decided to go near her a little "Calm down, you don't need to tell me" Said Norm calmly. Karen sighted and whispered "I have fear of falling."

Norm couldn't help but remember when his kids had fear of going the first time to school.


"We're here" A more young (not so young) said about to drop his kids to school.

One waved a hand towards him and ran directly to school but he heard a voice "Dad, I... I can't. I can't! It's difficult. What if nobody likes me? What if I don't got good grades?" Said a scared voice grabbing his pants.

"Hey, don't worry. 'M sure someone will like ya', and don't worry about your grades. Ya' can with that, m'kay?" Said the man kneeling down and touching the shoulder of the child trying to reassure the kid.

"But, dad... I'm scared" whispered the voice scared playing with their hands. Born smiled "It's ok having fear, I also had fear, but y'know how can you pass it?" The kid looked at him confused, their dad? Having fear? The child shake their head.

"Confronting it, being brave isn't not feeling fear, it's having it and confronting it. Ya' wanna be brave like your dad?" Norm smiled more when his kid nodded "Then go there and show what an Allen can do!" He said holding the child and spinning. The kid chuckle and when Norm put them on the floor the kid said...


"Thank you Norm" Said Karen hugging Norm which zoned out on his thoughts, he blinked twice and smiled "No need to thank me..." he paused "Karen" the two separate and looked at each other. If Karen had a face she would be smiling.

"Ok then, shall we ride horses Karen?" Asked the sargent to the woman with a printer for head. She nodded and went to a horse that was eating.

Norm put a horse riding saddle on the horse, he extended a hand to the air and said "Whenever ya' ready" the woman quickly took his hand and put herself on the horse.

"Alright, hold the reins strongly" Instructed Norm which Karen just realized the action, "Now, remember. For direct, ya' only have to move the rein to the side ya' want to go" The woman tilted her head confused and Norm sighed "Go to the left, move the left rein. Go to the right, move the right rein" Karen nodded slowly.

"Now for going forward you only have to press your legs" Karen realized the movement and the horse started to go forward slowly. Norm smiled and decided to ride another horse.

The two started to ride through the field meanwhile the sun was hiding "Hmm.. what if?.." Karen trailed off and applied the same movement making the horse move more faster. The woman was a taken back for the sudden movement but later started enjoying it.

Norm blinked twice, processing what happened and smiled applying the same movement. He wasn't gonna left her steal all the fun.

Karen pulled softly the reins and the horse stopped on the mountain, watching the sunset, she decided to get down of the horse and pat it. The horse made a sound like it was enjoying her pats so she keep doing it.

Norm get a little later and also got down of the horse "We should get going, don't ya' think? It's getting late" Said the man with a paper bag on the head, the woman groaned of disappointed but nodded. She started to ride the horse with Norm to the same place where they started.


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