Experiences - #16

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This is a request I received on AO3 (YES I ACCEPT REQUESTS!!!) Also this is in chapter 3 of Dialtown later of saving Big Foot.

Gingi uses They/He and of course spoilers for Dialtown.

The green creature looked at the fire for a couple of seconds, what could be called his old "home" (even if it was most like a prison) burning in front of them. They have spent so much time here that he didn't even knew how to react, not like he knew in other occasions anyway.

"Gingi? Are ya' alright?" The one with the bag on the head asked getting the green individual out of his la-la-land. "Yes yes, don't worry"

This didn't convinced the sergeant. "C'mon, I don't understand what have ya' been through, but ya' should be happy fer this place not runnin' anymore" He tried to make them feel better, but the other didn't answered.

They stayed quietly for a while, it wasn't comfortable but they didn't have the need of break it. The green one delved in the zoo, Norm tried to stop him but it didn't have any use.

After all Gingi was always a free spirit.

The one in green noticed a thing on the dirt, a rotten and old sign, it was difficult to identify it with the fire that was surrounding everything but they could clearly read their name print there.

He saw his old cage burning, but the memory (for some miracle) was still in his mind. Theoroar passing by taking notes of his behavior, nights were they spent looking at the stars, days were he saw kids and adults watching with disgust or interest. Everything that he saw behind bars.

They managed to see how similar was their life before and after escaping that place, sure, Theoroar stopped studying him but the people looked the same when he was trapped, they went out of their tent to see the stars as the same source of hope that they have searching a place he could fit.

Or that was before he understands he didn't needed to fit. He is like he is and if the so perfect 'society' didn't accept him like he was then they would have to put up with them. After all it didn't matter, it was the present and now they needed to focus on getting to Mayor Mingus.

And convince Norm to not kill her... That too... Speaking of him...

"Hey, why did ya' came here? DO YA' HAVE A DEAD WISH? This place's burning!" The mentioned one screamed with his accent, Gingi tried to think quickly on a excuse and focused on the shotgun that Norm throw minutes ago and grab it just when they saw him.

"I was just searching this, but meh, I think it's not necessary now, how could I use this?" Th green one throw the shotgun far away and the space cowboy was about to kill them for waste like that a perfect gun, but he reluctantly sighted and tried his best to not do so.

"Alright, if that's what ya' were searchin' fer, I think we should get goin', isn't?" Asked trying to change the subject but again, his counterpart wasn't paying attention, sometimes he asked if he could pay attention for at least a second to something.

But he noticed something on the dirt.

It was the same sign with the name Gingi being consumed by the flames, this made Norm scratch his neck unconsciously, he didn't knew what to say but he couldn't let his 'partner' distracted by a bad memory.

At least not like this.

He cleared his throat which seems to attract their attention "Y'know I hafta admit I'm a tad surprised" Gingi tilted his head, which make the other think of his choice of words better "Act'lly nah referrin' t' how I feel right now as simply bein' surprised 'd be like callin' the twister that sucked up yet pa a 'light freeze" The green one was even more confused.

"Is that uhh... A country expression?" He asked a little startled, the paper headed man decided to go straight to the point. "Look, when we met I figured yer talk of helping folks was nothin' more than manipulative horseshit" He paused, processing what he was about to say and gulped accepting that he saw a creature that was considered surreal. "But you helped rise Bigfoot's self-esteem. Is there someone in this town you haven't helped?"

The green creature thought for a second, Has he helped everyone right now? Maybe, but it wasn't of a genius to know they haven't, he turned around to see Norm with confidence. "I can think of one. It's not too late for you, y'know. It's never too late" They tried to convince him before he committed a craziness that would cost him, maybe like this he would think before acting.

The other didn't seem affected and crossed his arms " Look, you've got yer eggs back, whoop-de-doo, but-" he paused doubting if he should tell them but what other option he had, sooner or later they would have to part ways, besides it's not like he hasn't repeated his plan to them a million of times.

And they should stay away of this, not mattering what would happen.

"But the mayor still has it out fer us
We've bested her goons, sure
But considerin' the lengths she's gone t', tryna a take us down" Gingi tilted his head and the cowboy sighted. "What I'm tryna to say is: I don't reckon this is gonna end with a peaceful heart-t'heart"

He tried to get straight to the point and making him enter reason but it was useless "We don't have to forfeit the happy ending that we deserve" Insisted again, theññt going to stop until they would convince him, the two of them have a future. After all, if the others could have it, why they can't?

"Look I don't wanna mislead you, yer a nice person Gingi, you help people" He swallowed his pride and accepted it. "I ain't like you, and the Mayor is certainly ain't anything like you"

"What are you saying?" He didn't knew why they didn't understood it yet, he sighted heavily, it was like speaking to a toddler. But it should have been expected or maybe it was him, he was without any form of contact with nobody for god knows how long and maybe he has forgot how to express his ideas or how to speak, or, to be honest, how to do anything.

"I'm sayin' I don't wanna implicate ya in all this any more than I already have" He said firm and a bit aggressive being direct, he should have done this more frequently so his counterpart would understand better, the mentioned one let him to continue his point.

Norm (even if you couldn't see it because of the bag) looked to the side and crossed his arms "Our deal was fer us to partner up 'til we reached  Mayor McCatFace an' nothin' more, best jus' step aside when we reach the Mayor. Let me an' her sort our business on our own..."

He took a pause and muttered "Unlike me, you ain't too deep in all this jus' yet" He saw that the green creature was about to speak again but he cut him off, he was confident about his decision. "I don't want you t' pay the price fer what I've finally realized I need t' sort out once an' fer all. An' fer whatever it's worth it..."

He sighted and turned his head to see them with a smile and say with a more softer tone than before, dispose to thank them about all they have done until now and for try to stop something unstoppable. "I'm grateful that ya bought me back here. That ya went t' the trouble o' helpin' the good folks o' Dialtown just 'cause ya felt like it. I ..."

He wanted to say something more, but his pride didn't let him, besides they needed to get moving or they would burnt, maybe even Mingus would sent another one to take 'care' of them. He didn't wanted another inconvenience to distract them from their mission. His mission.

"We should get moving I reckon" He said to get out of the scene distant meanwhile the place was burning. The green creature looked confused but didn't question it, they looked one more time to his old cage and went behind the sergeant confidently.

Maybe they would convince him in other way...

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