Chapter 3

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I felt as if I'm drowning, I could hardly breathe as my throat closed and my lungs filled with water. I couldn't feel anything other than the frigidity of the ocean. I sank deeper and deeper, watching the bright stars in the night sky moving further away from me as darkness surrounds me. Bubbles were escaping through my lips and floating to the surface of the water as I submerge deeper from land.

I shut my eyes as the darkness took over the slightest light in the deep ocean, sealing off any light that existed.

Nightmares, I thought.

I waved my arms around the freezing water in a nonchalant pace as the water prevented brisk movements. For a while, I couldn't differentiate the feeling of drowning and floating, or just simply sleeping on my favorite couch.

I flapped my limbs around frivolously, regardless of whatever it is hiding in the darkness.

When I was distracted from the fear I was supposed to express, waltzing around under the ocean in the deep dark, I heard something. Voices, murmurs, and faint talkings in the background.

Then, I felt as if a force had hurled me up from the depths of the sea, heaving me out of the dream relentlessly.

One second I was in a dream, sinking into the ocean surrounded by darkness and the other, I was sitting in a filthy damp cell where metal bars warded me off freedom.

I was gasping for air with my hands pushing my body till I could lean against a wall. Sweats rolled down my neck as I searched for that rapid beating heart of mine, in the wrinkled thick clothing that I wore. My heart thumped under my finger pads, calming within my touch as I took deep breaths.

Before I could calm down utterly, I swept my gaze around just to perceive that I am not the only one locked in a cell. There are several others sitting in the cell with me, some laying down unconscious, some sitting with shaking limbs, and some drumming their fingers against the gray cemented ground with boredom as if they'd been here for centuries till the point that they'd gotten used to this. There are mostly females as there were four females and two males. The man sitting opposite me was the calmest of all, and the other was unconscious, while two of the women were shaking and the other two unconscious.

The cell wasn't exactly large enough for the 8 of us, as I don't feel like moving much since I'll accidentally touch the woman beside me. There wasn't a lot of space for us as the metal bars were built too close to the wall.

I turned to look at the woman, though I'm not ready to speak with this persistently thumping heart of mine, she looked as if there's something she's hiding behind those fearful eyes of hers.

I turned to my hands and my feet, checking to see if there's any injuries during the chase before this. I dragged my sleeves up to ensure everything's fine and unharmed, then noticed that there's a tag strapped around my wrist which I'd only realized a moment too soon. I brought the tag into my sight as I rubbed my eyes to clear the drop of tear off my vision.

It reads, 'Subject 89.'

When I couldn't resist the curiosity anymore, I turned to the shaking woman beside me, and asked, "What the hell is this place?"

I couldn't help but shake with my delicate tone as she raised a trembling finger and pointed at the direction behind me.

I revolved around promptly and perceived that she's indicating the cupboard stuffed with medical supplies untidily. The room was only filled with white lighting, which gives me a feeling of unease.

Despite her pointed finger and attempt of giving me a clue, I was still baffled by my surroundings. I turned back to her, stuttering, "I-i don't get it."

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