Chapter 37

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The world was foggy, the air was suffocating.

I was coughing, my hands rubbing the dust off my sight. There were tiny bits of sand crept into my socks and in my eyes.

The tears brought off the sand and the first thing I saw was bodies everywhere. An arm and rifle, both broken and pressed under a huge concrete wall. Blood splattered all across the room like a huge water balloon being crushed by a hammer.

There were what seemed like pieces of body parts, innards, scattered all over where the ceiling fell off. The smell of blood grew heavier the longer I stood in here, staring at the devastation I created.

I wonder if any of them are still alive, since it's only the ceiling that'd fallen off. It's nothing other than a huge piece of concrete wall they have to handle. In my visualizations, I imagined that they'd simply push the concrete away from hitting them but it seems to me that the concrete was extremely heavy.

I stepped closer to the corpses to find out that the ceiling didn't just fall on them. It crushed into their bodies like a sword piercing through the armor and the body of a soldier.

With all these soldiers out of my way, I set my eyes on the only exit out of this room, which was already half blocked by the bodies and concrete. I made my way around all of the chaos and found the less crowded place in the room to step on, bringing myself nearest to the exit.

"Crystal!" I heard my name called in a rushed and worried way. I suddenly remembered about the phone Ayven gave me.

I turned around and rushed towards where the tables collapsed. I dug out the phone hidden under multiple pieces of concrete as his voice guided me where to find him.

"Yes, yes, I'm here," I answered finally.

The screen of the phone looked as if it was about to get torn off with just a few cracks on it. I held it tightly in my hand, watching for the shattered glass on its surface. My eyes bounced to the battery percentage at the top right of the phone.


"Ayven," a whisper came from my mouth, "the phone's almost out of battery."

I took it with me and ran to the exit, still unable to figure out how to get out of here without having to push all these corpses away.

I hear him sigh on the other side of the phone, "Give me ten minutes, I'll be back."

Ten minutes.

I have ten minutes to look for my brother's body for confirmation.

The call ended and I slipped the phone into my pocket.

I stare at the stacks of bodies blocking the exit, still wondering-

A cough, choking on dust, echoed down the hallway. A life being harvested back from the dead, a soul being drawn out of unconsciousness.

I hear movements, not a bunch, but from a single person.

I stretched my fingers and signaled a command to the walls beside me to cut me a doorway out of this horrendous place. And it obeyed my command.

Like a wind which carried the strength of a thousand men, the wall looked like it's punched and fallen backwards, leaving the wire concealed within the concrete hanging in the air. All of the computer screens were off then, the electricity in the room cut off.

I am in the hallway, staring right at my biological brother, who has my mother's bright blue eyes.

He was obviously wounded somewhere, but not injured enough for him to make a run for his life.

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