Chapter 26 (Kaysen's perspective)

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"My name is Kaysen Anderson."

I locked my gaze on her as I tracked my men arriving behind her subtly.

I am just the bait to fuel her rage up, since their observation says that her heart rate accelerates through the roof whenever I'm in her sight. They concluded it to be anger which may be greatly dangerous if it's expressed physically by her new ability.

Her expression was utterly perplexed. She's debating whether or not to believe me, though I'd already told her the truth. The light of her flashlight was getting dimmer and dimmer by the second as she stood in the middle of the hallway like an idiot.

I took out a piece of paper which I was suggested to bring and unfolded it. I then threw it to her, who was the only person holding a flashlight.

"Your mother, Marie Thompson," I narrated briefly on what's written on the paper, "signed an agreement with your father, William Anderson, that their daughter, Crystal Anderson will be under parental guidance of William Anderson because of the mother's inability to take care of her own illness."

She picked up the paper and pointed her flashlight at it, her gaze meticulously tracking every word on it. After a few seconds, I could feel a slight tremor under my feet as I saw her arms shaking.

She's not running anymore, she's currently stood in the middle with tears streaming down her face.

It is very easy and possible for her to make a run for the escape now since she has the ability to kill everyone within a few seconds but instead, she doesn't move. She stared at the paper as if she'd been reading it over and over to reconfirm the voices in her head.

I raised a hand up and signaled the workers behind her who'd been enclosing their distance towards her.

Within a second, a single bolt of poisoned needle was shot into her shoulder.

She shrieked but didn't react like how the drug's description described it should. She let go of the paper and revolved around to face the team of workers before I could give another command.

As she began charging towards them furiously, I waved my arms around in a rushed way to tell them to fire.

The red smoke aroused again but she didn't make it in time to kill anyone. Instead, she dropped onto the ground as if she'd encountered a heart attack, whimpering as if she's trying to speak but the pain covered her mouth.

I clapped for the team and they cheered amongst themselves too, thanking their luck for granting them safety and not letting the creature take anyone out more. I reached a hand into my other pocket and took out the new bracelet the scientist invented and approached the whimpering little shit on the ground.

"Hey, little sister," I called in a gentle and calmed tone like the way I imagine myself talking to my long lost sister. I squatted down to look at her whiny tears soaked face.

I watched her who had rolled herself to her side when she's attempting to get up.

Before I put the bracelet back onto her wrist, I raised my right hand abruptly and slapped it onto her face. I'd been hoping to punch her ever since her first escape, but I ended up giving her a slap which was better than a punch.

She winced and shrieked once more before she went utterly silent. Her hair fell from her ears to cover her face after the slap. She was only shaking after that, unlike the last time when she would speak trash to threaten me as if she's the favorite child of the boss here.

"You may have come to look for your mother," I muttered to her before she completely went unconscious, "but you may be surprised to see your told-to-be dead father."

I pushed myself to my feet after that and turned to the workers who had been shocked by me slapping the helpless girl moments ago. I gave them a look, telling them to get over it.

"Get her back to her cell," I commanded, "and I want her cell way more contained."

The workers began moving and I saw Derrick plodding towards me, speaking before he arrived beside me, "Shall they search her body for the investigation then?"

I nodded, even though it's not my body, "Go ahead."

I expected him to accompany the team of workers afterwards but he stayed and asked another question, "You're her brother?"

"Isn't it obvious?" I responded.

"Both of you don't look alike." He said, "Anyways, I have to go now. Have a good night."

He waved a hand as he left.

I checked my phone as I walked back to my room, instantly texting my friend on the current situation.

'Got her. lol', I texted Ayven.

Then, I switched to my father's contact number and called him.

"Hello?" Comes the voice of the old fart on the phone, "Kaysen?"

I walked into the lift as I held up the phone to my ear, "Yes, father, she's back into her cell."

"Oh thank goodness," he let out a sigh of relief then asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I responded.

"How about Crystal?" He proceeds to ask about her daughter after knowing that his son is unharmed.

"She's unconscious," I stated, coughing purposely to clear up my throat so that I sound honest, "we gave her an injection and sent her back."

I explained without stating the part where I took my rage out on her by giving her a waking slap, though she's already going to go unconscious.

"Alright then, you go get a good night of rest, my boy." The old fart spoke before I shut the phone off and exited the lift.

Since my father doesn't go around checking on the subjects that often anymore, it meant that I'm in charge of this facility now, which was why I didn't hesitate to slap the one who escaped just now.

Before Crystal came in, I'd heard my father talking about my little sister ever since I was a boy. He never liked Crystal since mother took her.

They only signed the divorce papers when I was 10 and when Crystal was 4, but my mother has already moved out ever since Crystal was still in her belly. They divorced because mother knew that father had been hiring people to abduct innocent people for the facility instead of paying the volunteers. She was against the idea and father refused to let go of the project that had been going on for more than ten years.

After that, mother left, and father only sent her 500 dollars and a letter a month to threaten her to keep her mouth shut.

Over the years, my father's rants and stories made me hate my mother too since she's always asking for money in the return letter, though they'd already divorced. She'd always stated that Crystal is in need of money to continue her studies.

It was a few years after I began working for my father in this facility that we received a letter from my mother, stating that she needs a lot of money for a surgery. After father got that letter, he stopped sending her the money, not even the 500 dollars. He only wrote a letter back to her, asking her to remarry in a mocking way.

She didn't write to father again after that, assuming that she'd finally given up asking for money.

Until one day, father received a letter from mother months afterwards, and I was with him when he read it. It was the first time I ever saw him smile at the letter his previous lover sent him.

Father passed me the letter after he read it, then walked away as he laughed aloud.

I was confused when I first saw my father's reaction but when I read that letter, I realized that my little sister's coming home. 

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