Chapter 25

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I watched as Kieran ran out the door while I stayed behind and hid under the staircase.

I took deep breaths to calm myself as I heard the person upstairs speak into a device I'm assuming. His voice echoed down the hollow building, "Emergency stairway, door opening on lower floors,"

After hearing that, the man began striding down the stairs subtly, though his footsteps were uncontrollably loud and echoey. I pushed myself further back into the cramped space under the stairs until my back touched the wall. I could feel dust underneath my fingertips as I pressed them against the wall.

I waited for the prey to get in sight, holding my sweaty palm tightly as I listened to the footsteps.

According to Kieran, this is probably the footsteps of a worker being told to guard the hallway but I doubt the worker working in a scientific facility knows much about combat.

After a few moments, I begin to see the light of a flashlight approaching from the side. I flexed my fingers on the ground and prepared to attack the worker.

But as he approached me, he stopped, making my heart rate rise marginally till I could feel slight vibration on my floors when I pressed my fingertips on it.

Then, I saw why the worker stopped abruptly. I began to hear more footsteps striding down the stairs which tells me that the reinforcement has arrived.

As I was preparing to launch myself out of the darkness, I felt a slight sting up my right forearm. I slapped my left hand to it after I flinched inevitably. I attempted to find the cause of that sting and ended up getting another sting right under my palm.

I sensed something being crushed underneath my palm which confirmed that it's an insect hiding in the dark and had attacked the intruder who stumbled upon its nest.

I was distracted for a few moments, and by the time I returned my attention to the current situation, those workers had already located where I was.

A flash of light flicked onto my face which almost blinded me who had hid in the dark for a while.

Before I let myself hesitate and have a lengthy internal debate with myself, I launched myself forward and performed the same trick I used to escape from my cell.

I flexed my fingers and felt the energy rolling out of my palms as they fell down to the ground one after one. Meanwhile, I see red fog passing above the flashlights.

I didn't spare another glance at those corpses floating on top of a pond of blood and ran out immediately.

I expected Kieran to be at the end of the hallway but he was nowhere to be seen.

I was completely lost.

The hallway was huge, I walked around them with my flashlight as I listened to my surroundings.

My initial plan was interrupted by a concerning thought which came across my mind.

I was originally breaking out of my cell to earn myself the freedom everyone deserves but when I was reminded of Kaysen, and the hostage he's holding against me.

I realized I'm not done with this place yet.

I kept on walking past doors which have the word 'exit' hung on them and ignored them.

Kaysen, I could hear my mind planning the script for when we speak, turning me from a human into a creature may be a success to you. I promise you that this success will also be the downfall of you and your entire team's life.

The raging words were storming in my head when it was all silenced by a crack behind me. I revolved around with my flashlight pointed towards the dark hallway.

The light poured into the darkness as if creating a pathway in the caliginous dark fog. As if an arrow surging into the depth of darkness and plunging into an object in the middle of the hallway.

Like all the horror movies, there's always a scene when the main character stumbles upon the villain of the story or the creature hunting them. But this isn't a movie, this is reality.

"Hello Derrick." I greeted like he first talked to me.

I squinted my eyes and discerned that there's a walkie-talkie in his grip that tells me that he's been reporting on my every move ever since he had begun following me. Other than the device he had, I saw a bottle as miniscule as an old fashioned medicine bottle in his other hand which he just slipped into his pockets.

"Where's Kaysen?" I asked as he began running the opposite direction since I currently have the upper hand.

As I went after him, I heard him talking into the walkie-talkie and someone else's voice responding to him, which tells me that more of them will be here soon.

Though I'm stronger than them all, I still wanted to avoid enemies since I'm not acquainted with this new sort of fighting.

The scientist who looked like he'd never been outside before was out of breath after a few minutes of running.

Before I lunged myself forward to grab him from the back, I heard my name being called behind me with a familiar voice.


I revolved around and ran toward that voice without hesitating, abandoning the scientist instantly for the main target.

The man who once seemed like the most powerful person was now in the middle of the hallway, stood with nothing but a stun gun.

As I ran, I began to see red fog surrounding me and gradually growing towards the main target.

"Where is my mother?" I slowed down when I was closer to him, my gaze scanning for any hidden traps or weapons he may be carrying with him.

He seemed hesitant but I wasn't sure if that's indecisiveness since the flashlight was running low on battery as the light got dimmer.

The red smokes began darkening into a blood red color as I watched him stagger back.

He noticed my impatience and anger, and spoke, "It's a shame for you to hear this," he started, "but your mother sold you to us herself."

That sentence made me freeze for a second but I shook that thought off before my emotions got to me, "You can't fool me, you don't even know her."

I hear a scoff, "Maybe I do," he says, "Let's start from the beginning.

"My name is Kaysen Anderson." 

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