Chapter 8

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It doesn't open, my hands retain its position on the door but it doesn't move. I'd anticipated there to be an alarm waiting for my move to set off but nothing happened.

Everything stayed utterly silent as if these two rooms were the only place left in this world. I turn the handle down again, hoping for it to open before I realize that I'd been obstinately begging a locked door to open.

No, I thought, glancing at the other side of the door through the window covered in ice.

I swept my gaze around the room, then landed on the empty waste bucket. Then shifted my gaze to the frozen ice bottle as I shook my head with pinched brows. I shouldn't have smashed the bottle and crushed the ice for nothing, I could've used it to destroy the handle and got out right away.

But then, fate gave me a second chance.

I grabbed the bucket with my hands and raised it above my head. I gripped it hard as I bashed it down the door handle relentlessly. The handle broke free from its socket and the door was opened within a kick.

Now, the entire building was alive with the high pitched alarm ringing down every hollow hallway in this facility.

I brought the bucket with me and smashed through the second door's handle without attempting to turn it open and trusting that it is an unlocked door. I leaped into the hallway filled with pale white lightning. The light flushed into my eyes, causing me to squint my eyes all the way through the hallway as I ran further away from my room.

When my sight returned, I spotted a door ahead of me. There's no signs indicating what the room is for or was there any difference compared to any other door I'd passed through.

I hadn't planned on entering any of these indifferent doors but as soon as I heard the thundering footsteps echoing down the hallway behind me, I reached out and unlocked the door promptly.

Before those footsteps arrive, I lock the door from the outside and shoved myself in, forcing the door to shut relentlessly. I didn't care what room I was in, I just needed to vanish from their sight and hide till they're gone.

The room was dark, but I could still see the furniture around the space. It's nothing different compared to my room as this is just another observation room I'm standing in.

The room was contrastingly warm compared to mine, but I doubt that my room has a normal temperature. I leaned forward to the observation window, dawdling as I examined the subject in the cell.

The boy seemed almost my age, but I couldn't confirm my assumption since I'm viewing him in utter darkness. One thing which confirmed my statement that he's older than me is the fact that he has long slender limbs.

Without a second of hesitation, I raised the bucket in my arm and bashed it onto the handle I'd just locked from the outside. I had thought of releasing the boy from his cell but I figured that he's not responding to my wave. Plus, I didn't want to have a half asleep boy who'd just aroused from a sleep attempting an escape with me.

I broke out of the room and chose a different path from where I came from. The bucket remained hung on my arm before I switched it into a different position and grabbed it with one hand since the metal was making too much noise clinging onto each other.

I dashed into a hallway till I could hear no more of the footsteps which faded the longer I ran. A hallway with doors built in a mysterious way. There were doors opposite each door, built symmetrically to confuse subjects that were trying to escape.

Despite the illusions, I smashed the metal bucket into the wall beside me, creating a hole in the wall to mark the pathways I'd been to. The hole wasn't an insignificant one, a region of the wall sank back as if a wrecking ball had crashed against it.

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