Chapter 16

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I fell backwards as the pair of hands hurled me off the bolt cutter.

I shrieked and shouted, but I felt that I was the only one who could hear that scream. I was struggling to escape before I began struggling to breathe.

I hear a voice whisper in my ear, "I'm here to help you, be calm."

I felt my heart froze for a second as if hesitating whether to believe this person or not. But not long after that, he spoke again, "I'll let you go now, and I'll explain everything to you."

After that, I could breathe again, I sat against the wall gasping as I let the air into my lungs tremendously. Sweats were rolling down my neck rapidly as I struggled to find a comfortable spot to sit in.

I could see the person moving from behind me to my flashlight which remained on. He squatted down to the bolt cutter and picked it up, holding it cautiously to show peace between us.

At that point, I'm able to see his face. He has a decent looking face and a calmed manner. He's quite tall but seemed delicate since he's skinny as if he hasn't eaten in days.

He plodded forward and squatted down before me, "May I?" He asked, indicating the electrical bracelet on my wrist.

I reached my hand out reluctantly with hesitations, and placed it on the ground. My gaze tracked the bolt cutter and prepared to snatch my hand back whenever I didn't feel right about this. But all he did was tuck my bracelet in between the bolt cutter and snapped it off.

I flinched when the bracelet broke, and I saw the lights in the room flickered. I was afraid that they're bringing the electricity back on so soon but I realized that it was only my emotions which triggered the electricity.

It wasn't till then when I realized that I'd been keeping my fear under control. I'd remained calm utterly and not scared myself to death, but I broke the calmness when I flinched.

"Who are you exactly?" I asked after I pulled my hand back into my chest, maintaining my tone well to not let fear take over my emotions.

He looked to the direction of the door, ignoring my question, then spoke, "Follow me, they'll be here soon."

As soon as I stood up, he led me further back into the room. Both of our footsteps were silent and subtle, as if he'd had experience with being sneaky. I followed him hesitantly, still unsure of what I'm getting myself into or whose side I'm on.

Till we reached a part of the room where I could see a vent on the wall with its lid opened and thrown on the ground. He turned to me and suggested that I go first since he'll have to deal with the closing of the vent.

I was hesitant at first but with him unlocking my bracelet a moment ago, I had a little trust in him. As he had told me, I climbed into the vents cautiously, trying not to make any noise with my legs stepping into the metal base of the vents. The vents were dark and suffocating, I could barely see what's on the other side from my angle. I grabbed my flashlight and pointed it to the front and perceived a turning point at the opposite side.

After I got in, he climbed in as well and shut the vents close with a click.

I grabbed the flashlight close so that I could see his face. I opened my mouth to talk but he immediately broke me off with a sign language that tells me to not speak since it'll cause an echo and make it easier for them to spot our location.

He pointed at the other side, as if telling me to go forward and so I did.

We were crawling and crawling awkwardly since I was stopping once in a while to check if we're at his destination yet and also ensuring myself that he's still here. I couldn't be more grateful that subjects are given long sleeves clothing and lengthy pants to wear that covers my entire body, or this crawl would be uncomfortable for me.

Throughout the entire time, I could hear rapid footsteps all around the place and vague conversation of various topics on the current situation. Sometimes, I could see people passing by when I stumbled upon the window of the vents.

When I passed through one of the windows, I felt a gentle pull on my leg. I turned back and allowed him space to get the lid open.

He leapt down as soon as it's open to escape the suffocating cramped vents. I followed him and jumped down to the desk as he offered a hand.

I glanced around the room as soon as I got down, my gaze exploring the new area which I'd never seen before.

We are in a meeting room, with chairs surrounding the extended table in the middle. We got out of the vents by the table furthest in the spacious room. There's nothing on the table and the chairs and neatly arranged as if this is a newly constructed room, never been used by anyone before.

"Where are we going?" I asked as soon as my feet landed on the wooden polished floor.

"Outside." He answered vaguely, then climbed back up to the vents to shut it off, leaving no trace behind.

While he is doing that, I repeated the question I asked previously since he'd ignored it last time when he's in a rush.

"You can call me Felix, for now." He informed me with a gentle undecipherable smile after a colossal of hesitations.

For now.

I nodded before he clasped his hand around my wrist, then led me to the door on the opposite side. I followed his steps as he pulled my hand in a gentle way to not hurt me or elucidate any form of harshness.

When we arrived at the door, he paused his steps then spoke without facing me, "If anything happens, remember only my name not what I look like."

Before I could respond, he dropped my wrist and opened the door then rushed out instantly before I could catch up.

I sprinted after him, and saw him slowing down occasionally so that I wouldn't get tired out.

I saw a neon green sign from afar not long after we left the meeting room. I squinted my eyes to get a clearer view and pointed my flashlight at it.

'Exit' it writes.

However, Felix turned around abruptly, "I have to go now." He said, "See you next time."

I stood and watched him run off, clueless and confused. But before I could shout my inquiries at him, I saw why he declared farewell.

The light where the exit was turned on row by row.

I dashed down to the hallway frivolously, regardless of the electricity and the security cameras were back. I pushed myself to my limit and ran for freedom.

Though I know that sign can be a bait, I might as well check what's on the other side as well.

I reached the door shorter than I was expecting and turned it open instantly. But it was all a disappointment as I saw another hallway.

It was a disparate luxurious hallway with red and yellow patterned carpet. The walls are in warm colors and the wall trims looked lavish, specifying that this place is some mansion owned by rich people. But then I realized the row of doors on both sides.

Am I in a fucking hotel?

Then I saw a figure striding down the hallway from afar.

I narrowed my brows and clenched my fist on the flashlight in my grasp, then dashed forward to the figure with rage.

"Hello Crystal," Kaysen said, walking down the hallway speedily with his hands tucked in his pockets, his expression evolved anger and concern, "You're lost, aren't you?"

I raised the flashlight in my hand as I reached him, then plunged it towards his skull with all my strength as a girl with a pair of delicate hands.

But I froze in the middle of it as an electric stun gun was plunged into my stomach. 

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