Chapter 19

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I heard ringing by my ears and the screaming of the man locked in the same cell as I.

The electricity brought me down on the ground, locking my position as it ran through my veins. It was continuous, and did not stop when I'd expected it to.

They aren't doing just a regular experiment, they're testing my limitations, pushing till my life is hanging on a thread.

While I can feel the electricity surging into my veins, I could vaguely feel something else emitting out of my body. It was as if an invisible connection was made enigmatically between the man and I.

It took moments before I realized while battling with the electricity trying to shut me off, that I was sending energy towards the man. I could feel the energy being sent out interminably which was caused by the electrical shock.

I didn't know when they'd pull the switch off and cease the shock but I knew that I had little time to learn of that mysterious energy.

I tried out different ways to take control but all I'd been able to control was cease my influence towards the victim.

It was hard to think of contrasting ways to test out my abilities while the pain had taken half of my consciousness away.

When I was about to try a different approach, the electricity shock was switched off. I felt my body weak and delicate as if it had already turned into a lifeless one.

For a second, I felt my life fading and my eyes shutting, but I forced my eyes to stay open despite how tiring and painful it hurt to stay alive. I pulled myself together and remained in that spot while I panted aloud.

While I was resting, I could feel the vibration in the building underneath my back.

I gave an attempt to cease that too. I braced myself, and held my breath as I tried to connect to nature.

Then, there was silence as if peace had finally arrived, as if the earthquake shaking the building had been terminated.

I pushed myself up reluctantly since I'd heard footsteps approaching my cell, and I planned to get to the man before they arrived to see how bad the damage was.

By the time I ran to the man laying on the ground, I realized that there's only a corpse to be observed.

I dropped down on the body instantly to check what caused his death.

His skin had begun to turn pale, and there were no signs of life in that body. I turned to the pool of blood his head was laying in. There was blood flowing out of his ears, nose, mouth and eyes.

It took a moment for me to realize that his head was swelling since the blood was rushing out of his body rapidly.

There was hardly any sign conspicuous enough to explain the man's death.

I was struggling to sit properly with the dead body of a man who had just spoken to me ten minutes ago. I wanted to browse through the man's swelling skull but I couldn't get myself to move without my limbs shaking immensely.

When I found enough courage to move a hand near the body, the door to the observation room opened and I flinched.

The light flickered a little but it was back to normal in a second.

"Stay away from the body." A worker spoke.

I hesitated and moved away, walking to the corner of the cell obediently. If it weren't for my mother, who I was told to have been taken hostage, I wouldn't have obeyed their orders at all.

A moment later, the body was collected and dragged out of the room with the blood cleaned off and taken back to be experimented on.

Just as the last worker was leaving the cell, I triggered the influence I held whenever I experienced pain.

For just a second, and the worker dropped to the ground with her hand pressed on her heart. The dead man's limbs she was holding fell off her hands with her.

After that, everyone was panicking. The other workers who weren't affected by my influence came and helped her out of the cell while she gasped for air.

"Where is my mother?" I asked, raising my voice so everyone in that room could hear me.

Kaysen took a glimpse at me then waited for them to leave the room. He nodded at them and went to shut the door before he began speaking, as if he didn't wish for his workers to hear what he's planning to say.

"Your mother will be safe-" he began and I broke him off by repeating my question.

I pushed myself to my feet and walked towards his direction whilst speaking, maintaining my temper so the building doesn't collapse while I'm still here.

He scoffed when he heard the impatience in my tone, "Look around, Crystal." He said, "Do you realize who has more power here?"

I responded almost instantly whilst keeping my tone calm, "Of course I do."

His brows raised, "Really?" He then crossed his arms across his chest and hunched forward a little, "Will your answer be the same when we prefer to conduct the same experiment a while ago with the victim being your mother?"

I gritted my teeth and stayed silent as he continued speaking, "You may have the inhuman power, but-"

"Touch my family, and I'll kill you." I spoke fiercely, but then felt weak when I realized I am in no position to do that.

"Using your power towards nature? One that you have no control over?" He sneered.

My head was empty and left with nothing to say in my defense, "I will take control."

He picked up his stuff, a couple of concealed files and a phone on the desk. He chuckled as he turned to leave, "How are you going to control nature when you can't even control yourself?"

I tried to maintain my temper but it got the better of me.

I brought my foot up and kicked at the wall vigorously at the same time as I punched my fist at the window, "My family does not have anything to do with this!" I shouted after him right before the door closed.

Not a second later, the lights were switched off.

"Fuck!" I screamed angrily with my fist clenched so tight that I could feel the pain of my fingernails digging into my palm

Not angry at how unfair the world had treated me, or how cruel humanity is, but at myself.

I shouted the rage I'd hold onto ever since I commenced to learn to be emotionally strong.

I want power so bad, I want it so bad that I felt that I could never have it.

Though I have already gotten the physical power that connects me to nature, it still wasn't the type of power that I wanted. I felt so angry, so infuriated that I lost control of my emotions so easily.

The power that I wield will be triggered by my emotions. For every emotion that I experience, a different type of influence will be elucidated and take control of nature.

My emotions have always been my weakness and now the power that I wield depends on how I control it.

I took a deep breath and set myself down on the ground gently instead of throwing myself down. I sat with my legs crossed like a meditating pose.

In the darkness, I could hear my stomach grumbling and begging for food. I fought the urge to shout for food despite the pain in my stomach. At the same time, I sat in utter silence and made continuous attempts to look for the leash to my power. 

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