Chapter 33

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There, the escape.

There wasn't even a wall or a door stopping me now, there's no heavy metallic gates locking me up now. The most secured gate had already been destroyed and crushed.

When I looked up at the security cameras that'd been tracking my every move, I noticed another part of the wall being torn off. And it took me a while to realize that the missing part of the wall above me was torn off and sent bashing against the door of the observation room.

After all, I pushed myself to my feet with no pain dragging me down, and sprinted towards the escape before anyone came by.

When I got to the door, bodies were lying at the site of the destruction. There were the workers' corpses who were passing by the cell.

I sprinted the opposite way of where I went on my last run, since I didn't want to get to the exit just yet, knowing that they'll be guarding that place predominantly during these times.

The place was more dimly lit compared to the last time I was here, as if the hallways were filled with dusty substances. I guided myself through the hallways, some of them coming to a dead end, and some with doors to empty storage rooms. There were two to three rooms in a hallway but those were just unused rooms.

For a while, this place was nothing compared to an abandoned facility. I wondered if they've left this isolated island now that I've escaped. I felt like no one else was in this building other than those two corpses of the workers outside of my cell.

As I ran, I began feeling uncomfortable about the bracelet on my hand. I remembered how they could access it and send a signal to electrocute me any time.

The worst part of it is the fact that there might logically be a tracker in it after countless attempts of escaping. They might've located me by now with the cameras which is the biggest concern, but no one's coming.

I've seen no one after browsing through the hallways for so long.

However when I stumbled upon a certain hallway, I perceived that there were humane decorations placed all around. There were a few fine flower pots with fake plants and symmetrically hung pictures of well-known quotes.

The hallway began turning warmer the further I walked in it. There was a fake sweet flower smell which was mimicking the smell of lavender.

I opened the first door of the hallway, having no clue of what's inside and hoping to find something useful.

I switched on the lights as soon as I got in, finding the switch in the dark with the help of the lights in the hallway.

The light filled the room and a familiar memory hit my head. I was in a room like the last cell I was in, small and cramped, filled with suffocation. It was close to the cell I was first locked in before they moved me into the large spacious room.

The only difference was the fact that there's another subject in the room.

The man was awake and seated against the wall. He squinted his eyes at the light, as if waking up to another scientist barging into the room.

He glared at me in a nonchalant way, but elucidated no shock or surprise after seeing someone other than a worker walk in, as if this was what he's been expecting since long ago. The man gave me a brief smile after a second.

I walked closer to the window of the observation room, attempting to figure out if this was another hallucination. The man's brunette hair looked like dirty blonde under the light, his jaw tightened ever since our gaze met. His brows were calmly resting on those steady and watchful eyes.

After ensuring no one's coming down the hallway, I reached a hand to unlock the subject's door without having a concern for my own safety.

The door was opened in just a second, and the subject pushed himself up and charged against the door. He sent the door flying and stomped out of his cell freely.

Without a warning, I felt a force pushing me backwards. I hit a wall and that pain on my head brought back the traumatic memory of an event I'm trying to forget.

His hand was pinning my right shoulder against the wall, while the other hand wearing a bracelet reached the tip of my chin. I stared at the bracelet awkwardly as I felt the warmth of his fingertips at my chin.

He doesn't seem that tall when he's sitting but when he stands up, he's more than a foot taller than me. A smirk formed on his face as he tilted his head down to me, eyes glancing into mine. We were between arm's length, so if I want to run, it's easy to pull me back. Though I didn't know what he's keeping me here for, I feel that attacking is more necessary than running.

I remained in my position and hesitated on what's best to do for this moment. I could attack, but what if violence isn't what he intended to do initially? I could remain still, but what if that look of innocence isn't what describes his internal thoughts?

"You're alive," the man says, his eyes sparkling with surprise.

My gaze bounced from his hands to his gaze repeatedly, "Do I know you?"

To that he grinned, "It seems you've forgotten."

Leaning closer, he lifted the tip of my chin. I could feel the heat on my cheeks and his breath against me.

He looked at me as though he'd been waiting for this moment, he smirked at me as though he's about to kiss me.

I could feel the fear in my head boiling, my heart racing as I thought of many things that could happen. I do not fear being kissed, I fear what ability the facility has given him.

Before his lips touched mine, I raised a hand and pushed him away from me. I expected to push him far enough to hit the desk, but I'd overestimated my own strength.

"Get away from me," I said and there's a look on his face which expressed shock and anger at the same time.

When he dared to take a step forward, I let my power rise. I glared at the desk once and had my palm connected to that subject.

The desk was hurled up to the air and remained levitating as my weapon.

He staggered back at the sight of me acting defensively, seeing that I'm not helpless or weak. The smirk on his face sank into a frown, as if attempting to think of ways to conquer my power.

"Now, you shitass bastard," I called, "tell me what your ability is and let's get the fuck out of here." 

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