Chapter 2: Stay

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"Your father is my sworn enemy. And he is coming to kill you." Bang Chan warns me as I stare at him in shock, my heart pounding. My ears start to ring and I shake. "This is crazy. This isn't real." I exclaim. "(Y/N)--" Bang Chan whispers as I round on him, the ringing in my ears almost deafening. "No. You're telling me my father is alive and he wants to kill me. But you're the one who abducted me, claimed me as your "mate" and shifted into a fucking wolf." I yell as I take a step towards him, pointing at his bare chest. "How could I ever trust what you say, Bang Chan?" That's when I notice the scares. Huge slash marks across Bang Chan's chest, as though monstrous claws have ripped him open. Scowling, Bang Chan shoves your finger away from his damaged flesh. "This isn't a game, (Y/N). What I'm telling you is real. You need to take me seriously." he says with fright. "I am taking all of this VERY seriously." "I don't think you are. But you will." he says as he pulls me flush against him, guiding me in front of a mirror. "What are you--" "If I were untrustworthy, would I show you your own power?" his hand comes to rest lightly over my throat and collarbone. His eyes flash gold. "Would I help you unlock it?" "Wait--" I tell him as he tips my chin up, so my nose is flush against the throbbing pulse of his neck. "Breathe in." he whispers. Unable to get loose, I inhale Bang Chan's heady scent. Pine...smoke...and something new--a hot, intoxicating musk--fills me. My vision blurs and a tingling shiver courses through my veins. For a fraction of a second, I hear myself growl. "Good. Now, look at yourself. Look at what you are." Bang Chan says in a low growl. Finally, I meet my reflection in the mirror. What I see in my own eyes shocks me. As though a stream of cold water runs up my neck and behind my eyes, I feel an icy flash. Suddenly, my eyes glow a brilliant shade of blue. My breath catches. "That's me?" I ask curiously. "Yeah. That's you. The real you." Then, as quickly as it began, the color in my eyes flickers and melts away. Bang Chan's brow furrows in surprise. "What? You should have shifted into a wolf. My scent should have triggered it." he tells me, taking my face in his hands and searches my eyes. "You're an Omega." "What's an Omega?" I ask Bang Chan. "A shifter born without powers." Bang Chan moves to the other side of the room, scooping up the pieces of his ripped clothing.

"I suppose true mates don't need to posses equal power. But I have to admit, I'm surprised."

"No power? That's kind of disappointing. I was hoping for some badass transformation. But I guess now that I'm normal, you can let me go!"

"You're still far from normal. You're my true mate.

He shreds his clothes into further strips, walking over to me. "The tether between us is ten times stronger than anything I could feel with a regular mate. I can't just let that go. And your father won't let it go either." he warns me. I feel a sharp tug. Shocked, I look down to find Bang Chan binding my wrists. "What the--!" I scream. "Sorry. I can't take any chances, escape artist." in one swift motion, Bang Chan ties the strip of cloth to the base of the bed. "You have a thing for bondage, Bang Chan?" I whisper in his ear as he ties my wrists. "I have a thing for preventing your murder." he smiles. I fight, but Bang Chan is unfazed. He finished the last knot and steps back. "Get some rest, (Y/N). You're safe here. After all, this place is bordered by highwalls. And I have guards stationed at every entrance. No one's getting in...or out." Bang Chan tells me with a final smile and leaves the room. I hear a heavy lock slide into place. "(That bastard!)" I bring my bound wrists to my teeth and try to work the knot loose. But it's no use. "(My whole life I thought I was less than nothing. Just a foster brat. But now...I'm a shifter? My father's a murder? if all of this is really true, I can't sit around and wait to be claimed. Or killed.)" I pull again at my bindings, but a sharp lurch of metal behind me makes me stop. An air vent swings open and, to my surprise, a young boy emerges, glancing around the room. "Oh!" screamed the young boy. When his eyes land on you, he gasps and begins to close the metal grate. As he does, a sharp nail falls loose, rolling on the floor. "(That could help me cut these bindings! But it's too far away to reach. Maybe if I sweet talk the little boy into staying, he could help.) Hey, you're quite a good little climber, aren't you?" "Y-yeah, but don't tell anyone. I'm not suppose to explore the house or be in here." explained the young boy. "You won't get in trouble; I'll keep your secret. What's your name?" I ask the nervous boy. "I'm I.N. A-and you're (Y/N). My dad says you're bad because your dad is bad." I.N says while inching away from me. "I am much nicer than my dad." I tell him comfortingly. "You are? Then why did Alpha Bang Chan tie you up?" I.N asks. "We're playing a game. And I actually need that nail on the ground to win." I.N spots the nail and picks it up. "This nail?" he asks. "Yeah! Can you bring it to me?" I.N skips over to me and drops the nail in my outstretched hand. I thank I.N for getting the nail and he beams and inches even closer to me and whispers thank you in my ear. Then, the little boy scurries away, climbing back down the vent. I slice yourself free. "(Perfect. Now, to find a way out of this house and back to town.)" I move to the window: A young man leans against the wall below, a playful smirk on his face as he scrolls his phone. Then, I move to the vent I.N used: It leads out back where another young man with a cool, tough demeanor stands guard. Finally, I press my ear to the door: Sure enough, I hear Seungmin grumbling to himself on the other side. "(No matter what, it looks like I'll have to deal with one of these guys...)"

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