Chapter 17: No Escape

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"Did you think it would be that easy to slip past me, (Y/N)?" Taecyeons grim chuckle reverberates through the dining room, pinning Bang Chan and I to the spot. Gritting my teeth, I leap up and swing a powerful kick at Taecyeon. He dodges my attack with lightning speed, his eyes flashing red with rage. "Nice try." His booming Alpha voice hits me hard in the stomach, like a powerful fist. I hit the ground. "(Y/N)!" Bang Chan charges forward, throwing a powerful fist at Taeceyeon. Taecyeon doesn't move an inch. "You two are adorable." Hyunjin says with a fake pout. Right before Bang Chan makes contact with Taecyeon, Hyunjin lashes out, slashing Bang Chan's back from behind. "Bang Chan!" I scream. Bang Chan's back blooms red with blood. He turns, his gold eyes flashing fiercely. With a hefty shoulder slam, Bang Chan knocks Hyunjin to the ground, landing a crunching blow to his nose. Bang Chan turns then, once more aiming the full forces of his attack at Taecyeon. "Pathetic." In an instant, Taecyeon has him by the neck, lifting him high off the ground. "Thank you for delivering my daughter back to me, Bang Chan." He slams Bang Chan into the ground, cracking the hardwood. Bang Chan winces, his body going rigid with the pain. Taecyeon leans in, whispering in his ear. "I'm sure your parents would be very proud." , "No...leave him alone!" Taecyeon sneers in my direction. "Was that an order? I'm almost proud. But you still need to learn... Nobody gives me orders." Taecyeon lifts Bang Chan up and slams him into the ground once more, and I hear something inside him snap. "Bang Chan!!" Bang Chan goes limp in my father's grasp. Taecyeon calls in guards and shoves Bang Chan's body at them. "Take him away." As they drag Bang Chan out of the room, tears sting my eyes. I run for him, but Hyunjin locks my arms behind my back. "Where were we, (Y/N)?" Hyunjin drags me forward, holding me still in front of m father. Taecyeon squeezes my chin roughly, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Oh, yes. Your homecoming. Congratulations." He slaps me hard across the face. "This time, you're here to stay. Understand?" The sharp sting of his blow is nothing compared to Bang Chan's blood staining the cracked hardwood floor. With a vicious snarl, my knees flies up hard, hitting him squarely between his legs. The shock of the pain causes Taecyeon to double over, more of a reaction than I've ever seen. He screams in agony. "You'll never keep me here." , "You bitch." Hyunjin wrenches my arms back painfully, but I could care less. I grin as Taecyeon tries to regain his composure.

"Look at that. A crack in the armor. Now, we can see how weak you really are." Finally, Taecyeon rises, flaring daggers at me. "You..." He reaches out, his eyes flashing red, choking me with his Alpha command. "You've been quite the naughty little girl. I think some well-earned discipline is in order." I try my best to keep my face straight as his invisible hands squeeze my throat tight. After what feels like forever, he releases me. I cough and my knees buckle, but Hyunjin holds me fast. "You know where to take her, Hyunjin." With a nod, Hyunjin drags me away, Taecyeon's sneering visage fading from view. I'm guided out of the dining hall, up an ornate spiral staircase, before finally being shoved into a room that looks all too familiar. It's my old bedroom. I barely have a moment to take it in before Hyunjin shoved me down roughly on the bed, snapping a metal collar to my neck. "That should hold you nice and snug until you're ready to marry me." I try to get away from him, but it's no use. His slimy fingers work my hair back to its normal style. "There we go. I like you better like this." , "Don't touch me, you sick fuck!" Hyunjin chuckles, running a finger over the collar at my neck. "You'll learn to behave for me. One way or another." he grins. "You deserve a slow, painful death." I grit my teeth. "Good. I'm glad you'll have something to fantasize about in our bed. As for me, I'll be getting hard over all the power you'll bring me." Hyunjin leans in close, with a foul breath and dead eyes. "Power the likes of which no one has ever seen." Hyunjin gives me a kiss on the cheek and exits the room, locking the door behind him. I give the collar as strong a pull as I can but it doesn't budge. It's connected to a chain on the wall. My eyes fall on an old photograph, still framed and leaning against the mantel. It's one of my family, back before everything fell apart. Back before I'd realize the truth. I make my way over to it, walking as far as the chain around my neck will allow. Then, gingerly, I pick it up, looking down at my young smiling face, and the two beaming parents next to me. The door opens behind me. "Do you remember the day we took that photo?" Taecyeon asked. "I have no interest in our shared past." he grit my teeth. "You can't run away from who you are." , "Watch me." Taecyeon strides over to me, plucking the photograph from my hands. "I missed you terribly, you know." Taecyeon looking at me. "You tried to have me killed." , "Not out of choice. Out of necessity." His voice softens, almost taking on a tender note as he looks over the photograph once more.

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