Chapter 9: Sleep with Me

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I stare Bang Chan down in the packhouse hallway, unsure if I can believe my own ears. "I can't let you sleep alone. Seungmin almost killed you last night. You'll sleep in my room. In my bed." He says expressionless. "(In his bed?)" Bang Chan takes a step closer, hot spring water still dripping from his hair. His hand reaches for me. "What's going on here?" Bang Chan pulls his hand back as Felix walks up the stairs toward us, his eyebrow raised. "It's fairly late to be soaking wet. Did you two fall into the hot spring by chance?" Felix says jokingly. "We might have taken a dip." I say with a laugh. "Caught in the act." The giant man that suddenly appears at Felix's side holds out a hand to me. "We haven't formally met. I'm Changbin. Felix's mate." , "I claimed him. Not the other way around." Changbin nods with a bashful smile. I shake my head. "Nice to meet you." shaking Changbin's hand. "Is Seungmin secure in the barn?" Bang Chan asks sternly. "Yep." A pretty woman skips up the stairs, alongside "Gave and I a run for our money but he's secure in a cell." , "(Y/N), this is Yeonwoo, my better half." Yeonwoo winks as gives an introduction. "We'll meet tomorrow to decide what to do with Seungmin. You should all get some sleep." Changbin escorts Felix down the hall. Yeonwoo turns to leave, but stops. She hands Bang Chan a paper bag. "Here. What you requested from my little jaunt to town." , "Thank you, Yeonwoo." She skips off with Suddenly, I'm alone with Bang Chan again. I eye the door to my old bedroom. "That went smoothly. Looks like you're starting to fit in here." Bang Chan smiles at me. "Well, I owe it all to my natural charm." I return the smile. "Is that what you call it?" , "Yes. And what will help me be even more charming is a good night's sleep, so--" I reach for my bedroom door, but Bang Chan's hand closes over mine faster than the speed of light. "Nice try. But my word is final. You're sleeping with me." he states firmly with a smile. "That's a terrible come on." I say with a low laugh. "Not a come-on. A necessity. Besides..." Bang Chan laces his fingers with mine and tugs me close. I feel heat radiate off him as he smirks. "You're still my prisoner, aren't you? You'll go where I tell you to go." I flush, completely lost for words. With a winning grin, Bang Chan tugs me down the hall. I climb several flights of stairs until I reach a long hallway with a door on the end. "This is it." He leads me inside. I stare at the large room. A roaring fire casts an orange glow over the high beam.

 A roaring fire casts an orange glow over the high beam

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"This room is stunning." I say with wide eyes and a huge smile. "You think so?" he asks. "Yeah. You've been holding out on me." I drift past the fireplace, and find something out of place lying in the corner: A small, burnt backpack. "What's this?" Bang Chan's eyes fall on the backpack. A showdown crosses over his face. "Nothing." He quickly shoves it out of sight. "Sorry if that was personal." , "It's not personal, it's just clutter." Bang Chan holds up the paper bag he was handed. "Enough about that stupid bag. Take this one instead. It's for you." He says handing over the paper bag. "For me?" I take the paper bag and open it. Inside are several silky pajamas. "I had and Yeonwoo pick these up when they were in town. I thought you might like something more comfortable to sleep in." He says with a grin. "This is--thank you." , "You can thank me by wearing them. Enjoy them." Bang Chan gestures at the bathroom connected to his room and I step inside, sifting through the bag. "Did Yeonwoo pick these out?" I ask. "I may have given her some...instructions." Through the crack in the door, I catch a hint of color on Bang Chan's face. He rubs the back of his neck. "I just told her you'd look good in black. That's all." One set catches my eye. I throw it on, turn and look at myself in the mirror, and my breath nearly catches. The black lace spills off of my curves as if it's made of liquid.

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