Chapter 16: Stronger Together

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"(Y/N), would you marry me?" There's a solidness to Bang Chan's voice. A certainty to his voice. A certainty to his stance and gaze as I stare at him in shock. "What?" I ask in shock. "It's the only thing that could make us stronger. The one thing that could bring us to our peak." he tells me. "Bang Chan...that's a big step." , "It is." A beat of silence passes between us both. He stares down at me sharply in the dark. "And what happens if I say no? Do you plan on forcing me to marry you if I refuse? Like Hyunjin? Like my father?" He meets my gaze head on. "What do you think?" he asks with a smile. "I think you're better than Hyunjin." , "Thank you. I'm glad you think so." Gently, he takes my hand in his. I feel the callouses, the years of work on them, but I also feel the warmth, the safety. "(Y/N), I would never force you into something like that. Never." His conviction almost unsteadies me. "That said...would marrying me really be that terrible?" He says it teasingly, but there's an uncertainty behind his words, a vulnerability. Unable to stop myself, I reach up, tracing my fingers along his perfectly sculped face. The feeling lingers in the air that whatever I say to Bang Chan here and now, he'll take to heart. "(Y/N)?" , "Bang Chan, I could see myself marrying you." He stares at me in muted shock. "You could?" he begins to smile. "Yes. You're kind, a good leader, a good friend. You're just...good, Bang Chan." His eyes glint with affection, his mouth parted in awe. "Is that hard to believe?" , "It's not that." His smile is infectious, and I can't help but return it. "It just feels too good to be true." he says unable to stop smiling. "Bang that another pickup line?" I ask jokingly. "When have I ever used a pickup line?" His eyes widen playfully, and I can't help but smile. "(Y/N)..." My heart races at his words, at his smoldering gaze, at the bond thrumming between us. "Would you be my wife? My mate in body and soul? Be mine forever?" Breathless, I nod. "Yes!" I shout with tears of joy and happiness. "Then..." He steps forward, cupping my chin and leaning my face up to meet his expression. "Would you like me to show you what you could look forward to?" He kisses me then, his lips meeting mine as his hands move to my waist. My pulse pounds in my ears, my breath quickening as he sweeps me off my feet. Moaning, I snake my arms around his neck, pulling him close until we are chest to chest. He smirks into the kiss, pulling me impossibly close, drawing into his warmth, his scent.

"(Y/N)..." His teeth score my lower lip, drawing it in as his tongue moves out to drag along the edge. I feel his tongue swirl against my own, merging with mine to give way to something incredible. I can feel promises of things to come, a future with Bang Chan by my side. And somehow, despite the fact that I feel like it should, none of it scares me. Maybe...maybe I'm meant for this life after all. He pulls back finally, still wearing that sinful grin. "Whatever you decide, it's all going to work out. You'll see." Bang Chan reaches for me, tilting my chin up to face him. "Just being around you makes me stronger." , "Seems like your plan is really coming together, then." He shakes his head. "I needed you to make us strong enough to defend ourselves against Taecyeon but..." His expression softens, his eyes reflecting the light of the moon above. "But the rest of this...was never planned. I never thought we would...that we would be--" Before he can finish his thought, a familiar voice slices through the night. "Bang Chan! We need you back at camp. Now." Yeonwoo yells. "What is it?" , "It's When he got injured during Hyunjin's attack, JYP treated him and..." Yeonwoo shakes, her face shadowed in grief. "Whatever he did,'s not getting better. He's getting worse." She begins to cry. "Oh, God...we need to move. Now." I say in fear. "Bang Chan nods. "If what you're saying is true, there's no time to lose." The three of us waste no time in racing back to the safehouse where Bang Chan's pack has set up camp. I find, clutching his wounds on a bed, surrounded by other pack members. Bang Chan and I rush to his side. "What's everyone looking all grim for?" tries to flash his tell-tale confident smile, but he winces from the pain, barely able to get his words out. "I'll tell you one thing...worst doctor's visit I've ever had." tries to joke. "" Bang Chan whines. "I know. You don't have to say it." He gives us both a weak smile. "I can tell, I'm done for. Nothing you survive could hurt this bad. Just...trying to keep spirits light, you know? Right now this pack doesn't have to morale for another funeral." , "'ll help you thought this." I say. He shakes his head weakly. "Never thought I'd be the one saying this, but you shouldn't pay attention to me. Focus your efforts on Taecyeon's next attack. Because he will find us again." tells us. "We'll build up our defenses when I'm sure we've done everything we can for you." Bang Chan takes his hand.

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