Chapter 12: A Whole New World

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"I'm not going to be able to control it, (Y/N). I'm going to shift." His tone is deadly serious, an intensity Bang Chan saves for only the most desire of moments. "Bang can fight this!" I say trying to calm him down. "I can't. It's too strong." , "Just hold on a little longer." Bang Chan turns around then, tearing off down the street, even as his body begins to twitch and grow. "Bang Chan, wait!" I let out a silent curse as I take off after him, trying desperately not to lose track of him amidst the crowd. A handful of people have stopped to  gather around by the time I catch up to him. "Get back...all of you." His voice is coming out in a guttural growl now, barely restrained by willpower alone. I dart between Bang Chan and the group around him, shielding both sides with my body. "Get back...applies to you, too." he says glaring at me. "I can take it. They can't." One of the strangers still standing around makes the mistake of stepping closer towards us both. "Is everything alright? If there's any way I can help..." Bang Chan's growl comes from somewhere base and primal, the power flowing through it causing goosebumps to rise on my skin. "Sir--" , "Those eyes of his don't look right." The man places a friendly hand on my shoulder. "If you want me to call a doctor, I..." Before the man can finish speaking, Bang Chan's on him. With Bang Chan's feral strength, he hoists the man by the collar and slams him up against a nearby wall. "Don't touch my mate." The crowd begins to close in now, a few taking out cellphones to record the interaction. "She's mine. I won't allow anyone to touch her." Bang Chan's eyes seem to glow brighter, his grip on the man tightening. The poor man starts to turn purple. "Bang Chan." I stop closer to him until we're chest to chest. Warmth radiates from him, flaring like a beacon. His eyes snap to me, wild and enraged. "Calm down, okay?" Then, ever so gently, I flatten my palm against his chest and over his heart. "I'm right here." trying to calm him down I look into his eyes. " are." he asks. "I'm right here. I'm fine." He lowers his head to my shoulder, his breathing slowing as his weight falls against me. But his grip on the man is still tight and, just barely, I feel a low growl rumble from Bang Chan to me. "Say you're mine, (Y/N)." he begs me. "Bang Chan, I--" , "S-someone! Call the police!" The man's voice seems to break the spell from the crowd, and I see a few people dialing. I put my hands on Bang Chan's face, running my fingers over his sharp jaw as I pull him to look at me.

"What are you..." And then, before he can react, I press my lips against his. Bang Chan reacts instinctively, his fingernails extending into claws as he grips onto me. "(Y/N). He whispers my name, growling and low. I jolt as the sensation, but he holds me fast. "(Y/N)... You're mine." The bond ignites like fire, burning through us both, even as he releases his grip on the bystander. "You're mine." , "Yes. I'm yours." The man staggers as his feet hit the ground. "What the hell?" He shouts. "Get out of here!" He doesn't waste any more time, rushing off. Quickly, I pull Bang Chan away from the crowded streets into a nearby alley. Bang Chan struggles, tearing at his clothes, clearly locked in a bottle with himself. Finally, he pulls himself through it, clutching his head as he regains control. "That man. I almost...and to an innocent person." His eyes, now human again, find yours. "You stopped me." His shoulders slump forward in relief. "Thank you." As the last vestiges of the shift fade, Bang Chan staggers backwards, nearly collapsing against the alleyway wall. "Shit,'s been a long time since I've lost control like that." he frowns. "It's okay, it's--" , "Damn it!" He slams his hand into the wall behind him, leaving a sharp crack in the concrete. "I'm supposed to be acting like an Alpha, not some newborn pup who can't keep himself under control." he says. "Bang Chan, this wasn't your fault. You lost control." I try and comfort him. "If I was stronger, I wouldn't." , "Everyone has limits. We need to focus on one thing at a time." I glance down at his clothes. They're dirty from the fight, and torn from his episode just now. "(Come to think of it, most of his clothes have wear and tear. I guess it comes with the territory, but...)" Just then, an idea strikes me. "If we want to avoid attracting even more attention, you're going to need something else to wear." Bang Chan glances down at his torn-up clothes, confused. "What's wrong with them?" , "Just come on." It doesn't take me long to find an open clothing store. We wonder through it, pulling a few options for Bang Chan, as he studies all of the clothes with curiosity. "Some of these help you blend in while we're here." Bang Chan holds up a stylish, light-colored coat. It brings out the color of his eyes. "This one's not half bad." as he holds me an outfit. "I bet you'd look good in that." I smile. "You think so? It's a nice material." He runs his hands over the jacket, looking at me with a challenge in his gaze. "Well, human expert, what do you think? Pick the one you like the best on me..." He takes a step toward me, a whisper of a smirk on his lips. I look at both outfits trying to see which outfit would be best on him. "Go put this one on." Bang Chan emerges from the dressing room with a wide smile.

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