Chapter 6: Family Reunion

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"Ah, (Y/N). It's so good to see you." I stare, my heart hammering in my ears, as Taecyeon opens his arms with an unnaturally wide smile. "(This father. The Alpha everyone fears. The Alpha who skinned Felix's sister. The Alpha who killed Bang Chan's parents.)" I feel Bang Chan beside me, fury pouring off of him in blistering waves. "My goodness, (Y/N). Taecyeon leans in through the bars. I want to step back, but I'm pinned by his black stare. "You've grown into quite the beauty, haven't you?" he asks. "That's the first thing you say to me?" I ask in disgust. "Of course. You're quite striking, my dear. And it's a good thing. It will make you a fine breed mate for my next-in-line." He gestures at Hyunjin, who licks his lips at me. It turns my stomach. "I'll kill you before you touch her, bastard." Bang Chan snarls, rising to his full height agaisnt the bars, nose to nose with Taecyeon. "It's nice to see you, too, Bang Chan. I see you still  haven't grown into that big mouth of yours." Taecyeon rolling his eyes. "Open this cage and I'll show you jsut how much I've grown, Taecyeon." Bang Chan growled. "(This isn't good.) I'll kill you myself before I marry that creep." A low, threatening laugh spills out of Taecyeon's mouth. He grins. "Full of fire. You get that from me." Taecyeon says with a grin. "You don't know anything about me." , "No? Well, we best get reacquainted then." With a lazy flick of Taecyeon's wrist, Hyunjin opens the cage and grabs my arm. "Come here." Hyunjin growls. "Get your hands off of her!" Bang Chan lunges for Hyunjin, his eyes bright gold. "Down, boy." Taecyeon syas the words barely above a whisper, like an afterthought. But they pull Bang Chan to the ground like iron chains. "Bang Chan!" I can't believe my eyes. Bang Chan's whole body shakes against Taecyeon's Alpha command, but he can't resist it. HIs muscles bulge, his teeth grinding as he tries to pull himself up. When he gains half an inch, Taecyeon snickers. "I said, down." With Taecyeon's words, Bang Chan's hands and knees slam into the ground with a sickening crunch. Bang Chan swears. "'re hurting him!!" I cry out. "That's the idea. We're teaching this boy a lesson." On his final word, Taecyeon twists his hand into a fist and Bang Chan roars, his body contouring horribly as though he's being tortured. "Stop! Stop it now!" I beg. "It can all stop if you come willingly." , "(Y/N) don't...have to..." Bang Chan tries to speak. "I just want to talk, (Y/N). Don't make this harder than it needs to be." Taecyeon flicks his wrists again. Bang Chan flips over on his back and screams, his back arched in pain. "Bang Chan!!! Fine!! I'll go willingly. Just end this..." My words reverberate around the cold cell with strength enough to turn Taecyeon's attention away from Bang Chan. He drops his hand, and Bang Chan suddenly goes limp on the floor. "(Thank God he stopped.)" , "I knew you'd see reason." he snickers. "(Y/N)...please..." Bang Chan struggles to his knees, every part of him throbbing form the pain he just endured. "It's okay, Bang Chan." I say reassuringly. Hyunjin tugs at my arm and I rip it from his grasp, my chin held high. "I will walk on my own, thank you." , "Already the princess she knows herself to be. I like it."

Taecyeon snickers as I walk slowly past Bang Chan. I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. "I'll be fine." Bang Chan grist his teeth, but he nods, reassured by my courage. The cave-like dungeon disappears as I move up the stairs, into opulent hallways. Finally, Hyunjin opens a door, and shoves me into an empty sitting room. "Stay here. And don't try anything." I run to the door but Hyunjin slams and locks it before I can reach it. "(Damn it! How do we get out of this? I can't even find I.N, and Bang Chan is--!)" In my anguish, my fist flies out and hits a nearby vase. It crashes to the ground. When a few drops of water land on me, though, my eyes flame bright blue, a surge of energy travels up my arm. "(Th-the water? I wonder what would happen if I press my palm in the soaked carpet...)" Holding my breath, I bend down, and slowly press my hand into the wet rug. The water on my palm instantly soaks into my skin, and it's as though it ropes around every muscle. "(Oh my God...)" I feel my senses sharpen, and some strength returns. "(Does water...make me stronger?)" I reach for the puddle again, but a noise behind me stops me in my tracks. "(Someone's in here with me...)" I grab a fireplace poker and brandish it with two hands. "Try anything and you'll be worse than sorry." , "(Y/N)?" With a sniffle, I.N steps out from his hiding place. I drop my weapon. "I.N, oh my God!!" I sink to my knees and I.N runs to me, flinging his arms around me and burying his head in my shoulders. "(Y/N)!!" I.N breaks down and sobs, clutching my clothes. "I want to go home so bad! Please! I want my dads!" , "I.N, we're going to get you home." reassuring the young boy. "No, it's impossible! They have to many guards." , "We'll think of something. I promise." I.N cries harder, his tears soaking my shoulder. Suddenly, the door opens...and my father walks through it. "How am I suppose to get anything done with all this incessant whining." Taecyeon slams the door and I.N flinches, his whole body gripped with fear. He sobs. "No, no, no!" I.N cries. "Get that boy to be quiet, will you? I hate to be interrupted." I can see in Taecyeon's eyes that he's serious, and a chill runs down my spine. I.N continues to cry. "Now, (Y/N)." he commands. "It's okay, I.N. It's going to be okay." I take the young boy in my arms, cradling him close to my chest. "You're going to see your parents very soon." , "Y-you promise?" the young boy asks with tear filled eyes. "Yes. And you know what? Their love can protect you even from far away." I rock him gently, stroking his hair. "Feel it?" Slowly, I.N nods and starts to calm down, his heartbeat matching my own. "Y-yeah. I feel it." , "Good." I comb my fingers through his hair. Over his head, I glare at Taecyeon. "Good job, (Y/N). You have a way with children it seems. That will help you when you bare Hyunjin's heirs and further my line." he says with a smirk. "You are the last person to talk about being a parent." I inform him. "I know I've been a bit...absent. But that's no way to talk to your father." I laugh at his words "You're not my father. You lost that right." Taecyeon sighs, massaging his forehead. "You really were raised with no manners. But that's alright. By the time we're done here, you and that true mate of yours will be much better behaved." With that, the door opens again. Hyunjin drags Bang Chan into the room, fighting with all his might.

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