Chapter 11: I'll Show You Everything

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After years, I've discovered that my cryptic, nightmarish dreams are really repressed memories. And Bang Chan is in those memories. "I did know you when we were kids, (Y/N). I took you away from that place. From your father." In the freezing rain, Bang Chan's eyes burn into mine. He pulls me closer, rain clinging to his hair, his full mouth... "Bang Chan, you're not making any sense." I said with tears and confusion. "Just listen to me. I saved your life, and I'd do it again. Damn the consequences." , "But why? Why did you do it? Why did you--" Instead of answering, Bang Chan takes my face in his hands...and he kisses me. The rain beating down, the pain, the confusion, it all disappears beneath his lips. He holds me fast, his kiss passionate and all-consuming. A kill like I've never experienced before. My fingers trace Bang Chan's rain-streaked jaw, and closing my eyes, I press my lips hard against his. His breath catches as I kiss him fiercely, lost in his scent, the feeling of his body against mine.


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"(Y/N)..." He whispers my name into my mouth, like a promise. Like an answer to so many questions. I press my forehead to his, gripping his soaked shirt. "Bang Chan...this feels real." I say. "It is. I've never been more honest in my life." Bang Chan's hands slide inside my wet clothes, curling over the small of my back. "Everything I've ever done has been for you." He bows his head, his lips grazing mine as he speaks. "Everything." He kisses me again. HIs mouth is sweet and teasing at first, his hands on my waist a gentle grip. Then, he forces my lips to part. His tongue darts into my mouth and my knees buckle. "(Bang Chan. My true mate.)" I take his bottom lip between my teeth and give it a gentle tug. "God, what are you doing to me?" Breathing hard, Bang Chan kisses me again, walking me back until I'm against the stone steps. Our true mate bond flames like liquid metal in my veins, and I lower myself against the steps. Bang Chan is on top of me, his tongue tangling with mine in a deep and passionate kiss. "Fuck. I can't stop. I don't want to." His hands under my shirt inch higher and higher. "Bang Chan...don't stop." With my words, Bang Chan kisses me again, harder. I lose myself in his lips, in his tongue. His kiss is all-consuming, mingled with rain water, his smokey scent, his longing. His fingers skim up my stomach over my ribs. Higher and higher. "(Y/N)."

He cups my breasts over my bra. A small sound escapes me and he huffs. Even through the fabric, his touch is like fire, warming me until the rain beating down feels like nothing at all. "God, you feel good. So good." He molds me beneath his grasp and I gasp. He catches my open mouth in a kiss. His eyes skate over my body as he fondles me, rocking against me. I feel him grow hard. When a massive crack of lightning flashes, I raise my hips to meet his. The bond jolts from my body to his, a flame brighter and hotter than I've felt before. We both gasp. It's enough to make us pause. "We...we should get inside." He says. "Right. Yeah." Taking his hand, we run back into the dojo right when the worst of the storm passes overhead. As soon as the door is shut, Bang Chan looks down at my hand in his. "You're trembling." He says in a caring tone. "I know. But I'll be fine." I grin. "Always the brave one, aren't you." A small laugh escapes him as he caresses my cheek. When he feels my skin, he grows serious. "(Y/N), you're freezing." I shudder, feeling my drenched clothes cling to my skin. "We need to get those off of you." He tells me as he turns to find something to use. "We?" I ask. "A little help never hurt anyone." Carefully, Bang Chan drags a towel over my midriff, followed by a shower of tingling goosebumps. "I'll warm you up." The heat from his chest is nearly irresistible as he moves the towel higher, pulling my clothes along with it. As he drags the towel over the silver of my exposed flesh, he dips down and kisses me there. "Come here." , "Okay." That single word is all he needs. Inch after inch, Bang Chan peels the soaked fabric from my body, dragging the towel gently over my navel, my ribcage... With each stroke of the towel, he follows with a kiss. His lips leave a splash of warmth wherever they go. "Better?" He asks with a smile. "Yeah." He pulls my shirt higher, over my bra, working the towel to dry every drop from my cleavage. I feel his hot breath on my skin as he works. Feel the soft brush of his hair... "What you said before. That everything you've done has been for me." I began to say. "It's the truth." he replies. "Everything?" I was shocked and confused at the same time and still wanted to know more. "Everything since we met. And long before that."

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