Chapter 18: The Last Dawn

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Bang Chan's words ring throughout the cell, hitting me with a force I never truly expected. "What?" He doesn't back down, his grip on my shoulders tightening. "I love you, (Y/N)." My breath catches as I stare into his eyes, at the sheen of gold against the grey cell. "For how long?" I ask. "As long as I've known you, (Y/N). Since we were children. And I fell in love with you all over again when you came back into my life." His eyes burn, reflecting his words. "This might be our last night together, and if it is, I want you to know. I love you, (Y/N)." Waves of emotions crashes over me like a storm on the sea. "I love you. I always have, and I always will." My heart wrenches in my chest, overwhelmed with the conviction of his words. "Bang Chan...I love you, too." , "You don't have to say that just because I--" I cut him off before he can continue. "I'm not just saying it, Bang Chan. I mean it." I smile staring into his eyes. "(Y/N)..." , "Seeing who you are, what you've gone through..." My feelings well up in my chest, tears rising to my eyes. I force them back. "I've never met anyone who cares as much as you, who fights as hard as you do. And I..." I struggle to get the last few words out, my tears falling freely now. Bang Chan reaches out a chained hand, taking mine, the gentle and soothing stroke of his thumb bringing me back. "If we get out of this, I want to grow old with you. I want to see what you lead this pack to becoming. He softens, lifting my hand to his lips to gently kiss it. "You'll be a better leader than I would have ever been." I looks as though Bang Chan's about to say something else when the sound of footsteps echoes down the hallway. At once, Bang Chan pushes me toward the door. "Guards. You need to get out of here. If they find you, they'll kill you." he warns me. "Bang Chan...I'm not going to leave you." , "Listen. If you survive, there's still a chance you can find a way to save me. That chance goes out the window if you stay here and die with me." I can feel desperation pounding through me now. I look for something, anything that will save Bang Chan. I search the ground, finding only a small twig. I dig it into the lock in an attempt to shift the tumblers. However, as hard as I try, it doesn't budge. The twig snaps. 

"Shit." , "You, for the last time, stop." His words halt me in my tracks. "I can't... If I do, then...then..." My voice wavers in the dark cell. It's only then that I notice my own hands trembling. "It's okay." He gently puts his strong, calloused palms over mine. "(Y/N), all I've ever wanted is to protect you. It's all I've ever known. And if I die today, least I'll die knowing that I've done that. That you're safe." , "Bang Chan..." My voice breaks as tears splash against my chest. "I love you. I always will." My heart breaks as I stare at the man before me. The man who took me, who irritated the hell out of me, who saved me... The man who never stopped loving me. "Goodbye, (Y/N)."Bang Chan cups my face in his hands, wiping my tears away. He leans in, his mouth parted. I lean in, meeting Bang Chan's kiss. I mean for it to be a gentle soft, final kiss, but I press against him, passion overtakes us both. I pull each other close, putting everything I have into this one, final farewell. There's something desperate in it, a need to hold on. I can't let go yet. Losing myself in his lips, in his embrace, I wrap my arms tight around his neck, arching my back. A sound likes a growl eeks from his throat, his tongue plunging into my mouth, tangling with mine. "(Y/N)..." He wraps his arms tight around me, backing me up against the door with a surge of passion. "Just one more minute." , "Bang Chan..." I lose myself in the feeling of him over me, this man that loves me with all that he has. He kisses my neck, his hands traveling up under my clothes. "Just one more minute with you. That's all I ask." he begs. "One more minute. I want that, too." , "Yes." Bang Chan thrusts me up against the door. He tangles his hand in my hair and gently pulls my head back, exposing my neck to him. When he presses his lips to the hollow of my throat, my skin prickles with the tender kiss. "One more mark here." A mark I hope will never fade. Bang Chan's teeth graze my neck, catching my skin between his lips. He sucks hard, teasing my skin until it aches. My knees buckle, overwhelmed with pleasure. I moan. "I love you. Never forget that." , "I won't, Bang Chan." Bang Chan crashes against my mouth one last time, running a thumb over his mark. I lean into him, returning every ounce of longing. I feel him wedge a powerful knee between my legs, and I gasp. He catches my open mouth. As his tongue searches me, taste me, his knee presses harder against me, raising me off the ground.

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