Chapter 8: Traitor

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"Time to put an end to you, traitor." A sharp, calloused hand closes over my mouth as I stare up into Seungmin's vengeful eyes. "You've caused enough trouble." I try to scream, to thrash, but my injuries from Taecyeon are too fresh. I'm too weak. Seungmin's hand curls around my throat. "Don't worry. I'll make this quick, little girl." Panic swells in me as my airway is cut off, my vision spotting at the edges. "(He's going to kill me!)". He doesn't stop. He doesn't relent. And the fear grips me tighter than his hands. "(No. I'm not dying like this. I have to do something. He's expecting resistance. If I go limp, maybe I can trick him.)" Fighting my instincts, I let my body go limp in his hold as I close my eyes. Seungmin hesitates, his grip loosening for a moment, and I use the opportunity to kick him. With a growl, he lunges at me. "I knew that was a trick!" Seungmin and I crash off the bed. I cry out in pain as I feel my wound reopen. "This could have been fast." Seungmin finds my throat again, gripping hard and forcing me down onto the floor. "But now I think I'll take my time with you." He presses his knee into my stab wound and pain rockets through my body. The torture, the air blocked from my's all too much. I begin to slip away. "(No...)" Then, all at once, Seungmin is thrown off of me. "Agh!" Seungmin grunts. Air floods back into my lungs, and I gasp. Above me, crouched and baring his teeth in snarl, is Bang Chan's wolf-like form, dark and powerful. "B-Bang Chan...Thank God you're here." The enormous black wolf lunges at Seungmin, who quickly shifts into a wolf himself. "Rraah!" Seungmin roars. I scramble out of the way, my heart pounding in my chest, as Seungmin collides with Bang Chan mid-air. They slam to the ground, a flurry of teeth and claws. I grab the closest thing I can find --a bedside lamp-- and hurl it at Seungmin. He roars with fury as it shatters against his back and he whips around. Bang Chan uses the opportunity to swipe at his side, but Seungmin is ready for him. I gasp as Bang Chan is thrown against a wall. His wolf form hits the stone hard and he slumps to the floor. "Bang Chan!" I scream out. With Bang Chan unconscious, Seungmin turns to me, stalking closer with razor-sharp teeth bared. I move back, stumbling over myself, unable to look away from Seungmin's brutal, lupine eyes. One step...then another...he's almost upon me. He bends down with a snarl, to make his final attack. But a streak of jet-black strikes Seungmin out of nowhere. Bang Chan's size and power dominate, and he pins Seungmin fast. He clamps down on Seungmin's throat, holding him in place as he thrashes violently.

 "Whoa, what's going on?", Lee Know and Felix burst into the room, brandishing weapons. "Guys...Seungmin attacked me." I tell them in a panic. "What? That can't be possible." Felix saying in shock. "But why else would Bang Chan have him pinned?" Lee Know questions. Bang Chan shifts back into his human form, clutching at his shoulder as blood drips from a harsh bite. "Restrain him." Bang Chan commands. "Seungmin, how could you--" , "How could I not!" Seungmin growls cutting Lee Know off. He fights them and Bang Chan delivers a kick to his stomach. Seungmin collapses. Bang Chan's fists clench and unclench at his sides, blood running down his body as a storm of emotions pass over his face. "Take him to the barn." Lee Know, Felix, and pause, all turning to Bang Chan in shock. When they don't move, he snarls, his eyes flashing. "Now!" They nod and drag Seungmin from the room. Bang Chan turns to me, pulling the rest of his clothes on.

"What's the barn?"

"Stay here. I'll be back soon."

"Wait...I don't want to be alone right now."

"I can have someone come up and check on you. But you are staying."


"I said stay."

Bang Chan's words are like ice. He storms out, slamming the door and locking it before I was able to reach it. "(The whole prisoner thing is really getting old.)" I look around the room, my eyes landing on the air vent I.N used to sneak in and out of my room. "(Bingo.)" Ignoring the pain, I climb down through the vent and outside, just in time to spot Bang Chan and his guards dragging Seungmin away. "Get your hands off me! I was doing this for you assholes!" Seungmin yells. "You didn't do this for us." Bang Chan growls. I follow them through the woods, until they reach a desolate, old barn. "No! Get off me!" Seungmin yells as they drag him inside. He thrashes harder, desperate to escape. But it's no use. I sneak to the barn door, but just as I'm about to enter, my way is blocked. "Well, if it isn't the little escape artist." Felix says sarcastically. "Felix, please don't lock me up again." I beg. "Don't worry, that's not the first thing on my to-do list." , "It's not?" I hear a sickening thwack in the distance and Felix winces. "Get in here." Felix says. Before I can say anything, Felix pulls me into the barn. It seems empty. I open my mouth, but Felix presses his finger to his lips, his eyes serious. "Shh." Felix leads me to narrow wooden steps that descend below ground. "What's down there?" I ask. "It's where we take the worst of our kind. They go down...and they never come back up." I swallow hard. Felix sneaks down the stairs, motioning for me to follow him. As I move underground, I hear a thumping, like sound of a hammer hitting meat. "Is that all you got?" I hear Seungmin ask. "I haven't even begun." Bang Chan replies. I make it down the stairs, peaking into the small dark room ahead. Seungmin is tied to a chair, his face covered in blood. Bang Chan circles him like prey. "I'd do it again. That bitch is the daughter of--" , "I don't care who her father is, damn it!" Bang Chan slams his fist into Seungmin's stomach. My breath catches. "Felix...Seungmin deserves this." I whisper to where only Felix can hear. "I don't disagree. But that's not what I'm worried about." Felix drops his gaze. "I'm worried about Bang Chan. This hurts him more than it hurts Seungmin." Felix says with a sad look. Bang Chan turns away from Seungmin, and I see the pain in his eyes. His cut, bloody knuckles tremble. 

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