Chapter 10: Your Power

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"(Y/N). You're shifting into a wolf" I curl in on myself as my insides boil like magma. "W-what? How is this poss--AH!!!" Hyunjin slowly picks himself up off the floor, but I feel dizzy and flushed, my pulse pounding and my eyes flashing blue. "(Y/N), what's going on?" I want to reach for Jooe, to explain, but I can't. The pain is almost unbearable. "Bang Chan...I need your help." I yell for Bang Chan. "Just focus, (Y/N). Focus on your body." I grit my teeth, doubling over again. Bang Chan watches me in panic and awe. "(Y/N)--" Bang Chan says my name in panic. "Bitch..." Hyunjin begins to advance on me, slow and deliberate as fury rolls off him in waves. But he stops short as I scream, the pain ripping through me and tearing me apart from the inside. "Ahhh!!" I fall forward...but I don't hit the ground with hands and knees. Instead, I stare at paws beneath me, feel my sleek fur, run my tongue over sharp fangs... As I stare at the ground, at my own paws, I see white fur, soft and pure as snow. I try to stabilize myself, shock rushing through me like an icy river. "I'm...I'm..." I couldn't believe what I was seeing. "Impossible...this shouldn't be happening." Hyunjin exclaimed. "(Y/N)..." Time seems to stop. I feel every drop of water in the air as if it's an extension of myself. All of my senses are heightened, overwhelming and powerful. I notice a small wet spot on the floor where a flower pot leaked near Hyunjin. I rush forward, knocking Hyunjin toward the puddle. The water extends, reaching out, and makes him slip. He tries to break free, but the water holds him in place, helpless as I advance. "How?" Energized, I give in to my instincts, snarling and lunging for Hyunjin. "You little..." Hyunjin bends his head, his eyes glowing bright as his skin ripples like boiling water. "Fine. Two can play this game, my little mate." Then, he shifts into his own wolf form, snarling beat with glowing red eyes. He bares his teeth. "Hey!" Suddenly, Jooe steps in front of me, glaring at the wolf. "Stay away from my friend." she demands. "Jooe...get out of here!" But when I try to speak, nothing comes out but a pained growl. Hyunjin snaps his teeth, baring glinting sharp fangs as he stalks toward Jooe. "(Y/N), move!" Bang Chan's words shake me and I spring into action, rushing and crashing into Hyunjin before he can reach Jooe. Hyunjin's clawed paw kicks me hard. I lose my footing and slide across the dojo floor. Snarling, Hyunjin straightens and starts advancing on Jooe again.

"(Jooe, no! Everything's so different. I don't know what to do. I don't--)" , "(Y/N)...listen to me." It's only then that I notice it: my bond with Bang Chan. Its usual hum heightens to a pulsing tie between us. I feel Bang Chan inside me, reaching me through the chaos. "You have to listen to me, (Y/N)." His words ring like a primal truth, roaring inside me. Jooe is backed against the wall now, and Hyunjin is feet away from her, saliva dropping from his jaws. "Oh, God!" Jooe is terrified with tears in her eyes. "Listen to me and trust your instincts. They'll guide you." My breathing stabilizing and everything goes quiet. A soft but commanding voice deep within me tells me what to do next. "(I can do this. I can fight him.)" I straighten, snarling to get Hyunjin's attention. When his head turns, Bang Chan tells Jooe to run, pushing her to the back room. Then, I rush at Hyunjin, pushing him back and butting my head into his ribs to throw him off. He attempts to wrestle me down but each time I dodge and push him back with ease and agility. "(This is easier than breathing.)" My teeth sharp at the scruff under his muzzle and he jerks back. Hyunjin retreats slightly, a low growl in his throat. "(Now's my chance.) Rrraah!" With a growl, I leap forward and sink my teeth deep into Hyunjin's upper shoulder. He squeals as I tear through fur and flesh to the sinew underneath. Then, with a snap, I throw him to the side. He hits the wall so hard it leaves a dent. He scrambles away from me then, and sprint out the door. "(I did it. I...)" As the fresh blood coats my tongue, my vision bleeds red at the edges. Suddenly, rage fills me as an uncontrollable violence shudders through my body. "(I want to chase Hyunjin. I want to hunt him down and tear him apart.)" The rage roars inside me with the need to hunt, the need to kill. "(I want to sink my teeth into flesh and--)" I roar with fury as Bang Chan's powerful, dark wolf form slams into me. "(Calm down. The blood is setting you off.)" With a jolt, I realize I can hear Bang Chan's voice like this. It rings in my head as if coming from somewhere inside me, swimming in my mind. But the need for the hunt grips at me firmer. "(Get off me! I can't control myself! I don't know what's wrong with me!)" I think for Bang Chan to hear. "(I know. Try and calm down. This is dangerous.)" , "(I can't!)" 

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