Chapter 7: Not Again

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"Please. I can't lose you. Not again." Bang Chan's words are distant as you slip in and out of distant they could be a dream. "Again?" I wondered. The forest is clear above me, then there is only darkness...the pack house, I.N crying, darkness again... "Save her. You have to." Bang Chan's voice pulls you back. You're stripped on a table at the pack house, Bang Chan standing over you with a man you don't recognize. "Hold her still." I hear a voice I've never heard before. "What are you--" , "I need to stop the bleeding and stitch the wound. There's no time for anesthesia." says the mysterious doctors voice. Bang Chan bends down, placing his hands on your shoulders. "I'm right here, (Y/N). It's going to be okay." he tells me while rubbing his thumb across my cheek. "B-Bang Chan...don't let go. Please. I feel..." , "I won't. I've got you. I promise." I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen and I scream, gritting my teeth. "(Y/N)!" Bang Chan screams my name in fear. "I said hold her still!" the man demands. "Bang Chan's hold on me tightens. Through his hands, our true mate bond finds me, hot and familiar. "Please, (Y/N)..." For a fleeting moment, I feel my strength return and the unbearable pain dulls. "(Is he...trying to help me? Or am I just imagining it?)" I try to hold still, but a blinding pain makes me arch my back, loosening Bang Chan's grip. The heat from his hands die down and the pain returns in full force. I cry out. "You can use your bond to ease her pain, Bang Chan, but only if she allows it." the man informs. Bang Chan tightens his grip again. I look up into his eyes. They gleam not with magic, but with fear, desperation, and... "(Y/N), have to let me in. You have to trust me. IT won't work if you don't." Bang Chan pleads. I feel the soothing warmth of Bang Chan's bond attempt to trickle back in, blocked by something I put in place. "Trust me. Let me in." I look into his eyes and see the fear he holds. "Okay." My voice comes out dry and weak, even to my own ears. But it's enough. Bang Chan smiles, his presence like a pillar as he squeezes your hand. "Thank you".

The warmth comes in waves, each wash upon the shore lapping away the pain. I feel the doctor work, feel odd movement in your abdomen, but I don't feel any discomfort. "I didn't know this was possible." I say curiously. "It's a bond between both of us, remember? It goes both ways." Bang Chan gives me a small, encouraging smile. "You're my true mate, (Y/N). But don't forget that I'm yours." Heat blooms in your chest, startling you. It's not from the surgery, or the bond... After what seems like only minutes, the doctor stops. "She's stable. Let's get her to a bed." the doctor states. "Okay." Bang Chan lifts me effortlessly in his arms. I knot a hand in his shirt. I turn my face into Bang Chan's shoulder, holding onto him with both hands. He holds me closer, his lips brushing the top of my head. "Just rest, (Y/N). It's okay." He carries me up the stairs, then sets me gently on the bed in my room. The doctor comes to my side to wrap my wounds in a layer of fresh gauze. "She's stable for now, but the blood loss and infection are worrying me. If she gets a fever--" the doctor pauses as Bang Chan cuts him off.

"What do we do then, JYP? Is there medicine?"

"That's what I was down in the city trying to get. But you called me back here in a panic and--"

"Just tell me what to do."

The doctor sighs. "There is something but..."

"What is it?" Bang Chan's voice comes out in a possessive growl, and the doctor puts his hands up in defense.

"To ensure she survives the night, the two of you need to bond in a way you haven't before. Through your bodies." Both Bang Chan and I just stared at the doctor wondering what he meant by that. "(It might be the pain or the exhaustion. I definitely didn't hear him right.)" , "Do you" Bang Chan asked with a brow raised. "Sex? I'm not exactly in the mood." I point out. "No, no. You're far too weak for that. But skin to skin contact will help. Touching as much of each other as you can." I flush red hot at his words and look down at my bondages. "Your wound is serious. This is the best way to ensure that you stabilize and heal quickly." the doctor straightens, smoothing his clothes with precision. "I'll give you two some privacy." JYP leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. Bang Chan turns to me. For a beat, neither of us say a thing. We just stare at each other. "Skin to skin...what do you think about that?" I finally break the silence. "I mean, it's not my first choice for getting you naked." , "Shut up." A low laugh leaves Bang Chan's mouth. His hands move up and he removes his jacket. "Look, I...I know it's not ideal, but..." He sighs, meeting my eyes again. All the humor has left him. "I need you to heal, (Y/N)." Bang Chan slowly pulls his shirt off over his head. The scarred muscles of his chest gleam in the low light, tumbling down to a sharp vee that disappears beneath his belt. "I need you to survive." The sheer conviction in his voice makes me pause. He comes closer, his hands moving toward his waistline. "I won't try anything. I'm just going to hold you. You can trust me." , "I can trust you?" Bang Chan nods, unbuckling his belt. " You can trust me." Then, he pulls his pants down, exposing all of himself to me. My eyes travel down over his sculpted chest, over that taught vee, to rest on the astonishing length of him. Bang Chan moves under the blankets, coming closer to me. "Is this okay?" His arms slide gently around me, careful not to disturb my wound. His legs thread with mine. Heat erupts from the contact, traveling through me like magma. It lights up every vein in my body, dissolving the pain to nothing. "(Y/N), I asked you a question." he says in a soft tone. "W-what?" , "is this alright?" he asks again. "Yeah. You can shift closer if you want." My heart is racing now. The feeling of him getting closer is making my heart beat faster. "Like this?" Bang Chan moves his body closer to mine, every inches of him now pressing tight to my flesh. "Yes. Just like that." I gasp at the sensation of him, his smooth skin and the pulsing heat between his body and mine. "You' hot..." The words just spit out of my mouth without knowing. "Yeah. You are, too." No jokes, no sarcasm. Bang Chan huffs and shuts his eyes, clearly overwhelmed by his bond with me. The feeling of me. My eyes flutter as my body finally relaxes, the exhaustion of the past two days overcoming me. "Just sleep. I'll be right here." I fall asleep, the steady pulse of my bond with Bang Chan is nothing compared to his touch.

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