Chapter 5: Falling for You

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"(Y/N)!!!" I look up in horror as a huge boulder crashes down the mountain--heading straight for me. When it is inches away, Bang Chan smashes into my side, hauling me out of the boulders deadly path. "That was close." I saying as my heart beats out of my chest. "No kidding." Suddenly, the ground shifts beneath my...and gives way. We both stumble, and plummet straight for the ground. "Shit!!" Bang Chan yells. I stifle a scream as Bang Chan wraps his arms around me. He twists and hits the ground first, absorbing the impact. "Th-thank--" , "Move!!" Bang Chan throws me off just as another enormous boulder crashes down, landing directly on top of him. Bang Chan yells out in agony. "Bang Chan!!" I stumble back to him, but stop short. Half of his body is pinned beneath the impossible large rock. "(Oh, God...)" He howls in pain, struggling beneath the incredible weight of the boulder. "Bang Chan...everything is going to be okay." I try reassuring him. "I'm glad one of us is calm." , " saved my life." ,  "Yeah, well...don't say I never did anything for you, Omega." Bang Chan takes a long, shuddering breath as I try to find a way to him. "The others. Maybe they can help us." I should for help, but there is no response on the cliff above or in the dense forest beyond. "The rockslide probably took out the path. We're separated." Using his free hand, Bang Chan shoves at the boulder, his face twists in pain. I see the rock shift a small amount before he hisses, jerking back. "Bang Chan, Please let me help you!" He looks at me questionably "How are you going to help?" , "By stopping you from breaking something else." I huff and shake my head. "(I'll have to try and move it myself)" I place my hands on the boulder, shoving all of my weight against it. Nothing. I try again and again, using my shoulder, running into it, using all I've got. But it won't budge. "Come on!" Panic begins to overtake me. I shove at it again. "I can't move it. I--I don't know what to do. I--" , "(Y/N), stop." Bang Chan's calm voice makes me whip around to face him, my heart hammering in my chest. "What do you mean stop? How the hell do you expect me to move this thing if I stop?" For a moment, Bang Chan watches me, his expression unreadable as he lets the quiet of the forest overtake us both. "Kiss me."

For a long moment, I forget to breathe. I can hardly believe my ears. "W-what? Now is not the time!" I exclaim. "It's the exact time, actually." I nod slowly, recalling what he said about power and strength before. It all happened when... "When we touched. Okay, so I'll just grab your hand and-" , "Not just any touch. Intimate touch. The more intimate we are..." , "(...The stronger he becomes...)" My heart pounds in my chest as heat creeps up my face. "You're saying if I kiss will make you more powerful?" I stand nervous with part of me wanting to kiss him and the other part unsure of what to do. "You don't believe me?" He laughs, but winces against the painful weight of the rock. "(Y/N), please. We have to try." I stare down at the man before me. The man who took me. The man who save me. I feel that pull in my chest again. The bond. And somehow, I know that what he's saying is true. "Okay. I'll...I'll try." I kneel beside him, moving my hand to his neck. "Try not to look so worried. I'm the one with half his body crushed by a rock." , "Hush." Then, I lower my mouth to his. I intend to do nothing more than brush my lips against his...but when our lips touch, an all-consuming heat flames between us. It erupts from my chest, spreading through my body to the very tips of my fingers. "(Oh my God!!)" Bang Cahn pulls me closer, his tongue twisting with mine until I'm not sure where I end and he begins. "(Y/N)..." The heat has completely overtaken me, flickering beneath my skin, unbearable and addicting all at once. When I pull away, Bang Chan's eyes glow bright gold as if holding the light of the sun. "That's it." Bang Chan places his large hand on the rock. Then, with a low snarl, he shoves. As if it weighs nothing, the boulder rolls off of Bang Chan, away from both of us. "Wow..." I stare in shock, my skin still crawling with power. Bang Chan quietly, looking at me rather than at the boulder. "Yeah. Wow." He moves to stand, but his knees give way and he swears in pain. "Here. Take my shoulder." I bend down and put his arm around my neck. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Please. I can break cement, you think I can't handle you?" Leaning on me, Bang Chan manages to keep pace as we hunt for shelter. "It's getting dark and we're in Taecyeon's territory. If they find us--" Suddenly, you hear a chorus of howls in the distance. "Was that Seungmin and the others?" I ask. Bang Chan's eyes darken. "No."

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