Chapter 15: Out of the Ashes

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"My desire to protect you is more than instinct, (Y/N)." In the midnight blue clearing, Bang Chan takes the back of my neck and pulls me into a hard, deep kiss. The red moon is gone, but the passion, the yearning that courses through him is still there. "What do you mean it's more than instinct?" Bang Chan's rough yet gentle hands slip inside my clothes, finding my body, skating up over my torso. "It's how I feel about you." he says staring into my eyes. "Bang Chan..." I move without meaning to, stepping toward him. His fingers press ravenously into my flesh. "I can't lose you again, (Y/N). Not ever again." , "I don't want to lose you either." His breath hitches against my mouth. "You don't?" He lifts his head, his gaze searing. "When I'm around you, it's like I can barely control myself. Like every part of me needs you." There's an edge in his voice, a low growl hidden below his words that tell me one thing clearly: He means what he's saying. "(Y/N)..." Slowly, he pulls me down to the ground, until the wildflowers brush against my back and my hair spills over the soft grass. "You're addicting. Like a drug to me." He hovers above me, the light of the fireflies reflecting in his sharp, feral gaze. His firm hands drag down toward my thighs. "Bang Chan, I feel the same." , "I know you do. I can feel that much." Sure enough, something primal in me is twisting and churning at his touch. It strains and snaps, urging me on with fire that I lost control of the moment his lips touched mine. "God, I want you." He grips my legs hard enough to leave a mark, as though he can't get as close as he needs. "Come here." He presses his powerful body closer, desperate desire coursing through every last inch of him. I shift my hips, granting him access to the length of my body. "Bang Chan, please..." , "You don't have to ask." He slides his hands over the small of my back, pulling me to him with force. With a strong roll of his hips, my body flames beneath him. His hardened length strains against his pants, against me... "Harder..." I moan. Bang Chan groans, rocking his hips with more force, more command. I moan. I can feel his throbbing length, thick with need, pulsing between us. He huffs. The denial and the pleasure mingle together, drawing me to the dangerous edge of my control. "(Y/N), I want you to feel more." , "M-more?"

He nods, breathless, his hips never once stopping, his cock hard and wanting between us. My mind numb with need , I reach down and trace my hand along his inseam. He twitches with pleasure, and I feel myself answer with a throb of desire. I move my hand again, and he grunts. "(Y/N)...take me in your hand." His eyes burn into mine, stealing my breath. Slowly I unzip Bang Chan's pants, my fingers practically trembling as I reach inside. "Bang Chan..." His cock is rock hard, hot, and so big my hand feels small when I wrap my fingers around him. "(Y/N)...shit..." He moans, and slowly I begin to move my hand up and down his extraordinary length. At first it's slow, tentative almost, as I feel the weight of his desire in my hand, pulsing with need. Up and down, up and down, I pump my hand over his cock, relishing in his labored breaths. He arches his back. "Fuck..." His own hand dances along the fabric of my clothes, massaging the space between my legs. We both moan, rocking our hips in tandem. "Ah, wait...Bang Chan, I don't know if I can last much longer." He cups my chin with one hand, forcing me to look at him while continuing the movement of his hips. "You can. Hang on for me." Just as the cliff's edge approaches, Bang Chan pulls back. "You're not going to stop, are you?" He smirks, his eyes flashing in the darkness. "I'm not done with you yet. Not by a long shot." , "Prove it, Alpha." He lets out a low, hungry growl. "With pleasure." He gathers my clothing in his fists and slowly slides it up my thighs. "Is this okay?" , "Yes." I lift my arms. He pulls my clothes off over my head and looks down at my body, clad only in panties. "I'll do everything in my power to make you happy, (Y/N). Everything." I part my lips in a silent invitation. Bang Chan takes it, thrusting his tongue into my waiting mouth. I slip my hands up under his tight leather facets and peel them off of his chiseled chest. Bang Chan slides his big, calloused palm up and squeezes my breast, and I clutch his pant zipper. "Me first." He says. "But--" , "No. I've finally get you in my arms. And I plan to take my time with you." He slips his hands under my bra, moving his thumbs over my nipples and my breath catches. "I'm going to take you slow. So slow." Bang Chan's lips move against my neck, his sharp teeth grazing the softest parts of my bare skin. He sucks against me, sending shivers of pleasure across my skin, only breaking away from a moment when he hears my moan. He licks my neck, and the tingling pleasure of his tongue spreads like fireworks over my flesh. "Tell me where you want my mouth." He whispers seductively. "I want you on my thighs." I moan. "As my mate commands."

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