Chapter 4: The Rival

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I and the pack stand frozen in the shadow of a huge, blood drenched stranger. HIs vicious eyes are trained on me. "Your father told me I would find you here. Time to go, (Y/N)." he says with an evil grin. "(My father?)" He takes a step towards me and I step back nearly running into Lee Know. "Hyunjin! Shit! He found us!" Lee Know says with a growl in his voice. "Hyunjin?" Han whispers in my ear, clutching I.N close. "He's Taecyeon's right-hand man and he's ruthless." Hyunjin is deep in the house now, circling me like prey. I back up the stairs. "You're a delicious little thing, aren't you? Your father was right to make you my mate." , "I will kill you before you touch me." A low, sarcastic laugh boils out from his blood-stained mouth. "Good. I like a challenge in my conquests. It makes your submission that much better." , "But (Y/N) is Alpha Bang Chan's true mate!" Han claps a hand over I.N's mouth, but it's too late. Hyunjin chuckles, crouching down to I.N's level. "Yeah, we all felt that little soul bond the other night, didn't we boy? But that doesn't matter." In a flash, Hyunjin is behind you. He locks your arms in a death grip. "Once I mate and breed her properly, her little "bond" will mean nothing." Hyunjin sniffs my neck. My guts twist with revulsion. "Ugh...go to hell, you monster." , "You don't know the meaning of hell yet, girl. But I'll show you what it's like. Hyunjin leans into me, but someone hits him from the side, knocking me out of his grip. "She said no. You have no right to claim her." Felix lunges, but Hyunjin throws him off, launching his body 20 feet to smack hard into the wall. "Felix!" I yell. "Now then..." Hyunjin rushes to me, shoving me into the window. My head whacks the glass with a loud crack. "(Shit. I need to get out of his grip.)" I twist and throw a roundhouse kick. My foot lands but it barely moves him. "Is that all you've got for me? How disappointing." My vision blurs as dozens of enemy wolf's rushes in, forcing the pack to surrender. "C'mon. You can give me a little more." Hyunjin leans in close enough that I can smell is foul, metallic breath.

"What the hell is going on here?" Suddenly, I see Bang Chan in the entryway, tall and furious. A wave of relief floods my body. "Bang the others!" I yell. When he catches my gaze, his eyes flash gold with intense rage. For a moment, time slows, and I feel it again, that heat, that unmistakable pull towards Bang Chan. "Look who it is. The little stray pup." As Bang Chan steps forward, he growls low and threatening at Hyunjin's words. "Let go of my mate." , "Your mate? Oh, no, no, no." Hyunjin grins as his grip tightens on me. I wince in pain. "I said let go of her!!!" Bang Chan's voice is louder and more violent than I've ever heard it. He sprints towards me. But two massive enemy wolves slam him to the ground, restraining him. "Stop!" I yell. Bang Chan struggles, throwing one of them off, but another is there. He's outnumbered. "She's mine, you weak little pup." Hyunjin grins down at Bang Chan. "NO--!!" I can't tear my eyes from Bang Chan. He stares at me with something foreign...fury mixed with desperation. "Tell him, (Y/N). Tell him how you're mine." , "No. I am Bang Chan's mate. There's no denying it. I've felt it and so has he." I smile in spite of Hyunjin's hold on my throat. His eyes darken. "If I'm anyone's mate, I'm Bang Chan's." , "(Y/N)..." Even in his struggle, Bang Chan's eyes shine. I see something else in him, too. An emotion I can't quite name. Hyunjin's grip on me tightens. I glare daggers at him, full of righteous fury. "You little..." , "I'll say it again, Hyunjin. Let go of MY mate." Hyunjin's face clouds with utter rage, his eyes flash red. He clenches his jaw, closes his eyes, and breathes. When he looks at me again, his false smile is back in place. "You're not ready to accept the truth yet. That's okay. I'll just have to show you who you belong to." His claws dig into my neck. I try to cry out, but my airway is blocked. My feet rise off the ground. " that all you got?" I challenge. "Far from it. Let me show you." He lifts me higher, his smile widening. Then, as if I weigh nothing, he tosses me across the room like a ragdoll. I skid across the floor, sliding back until I crash against the far wall. "No!!." With a sudden surge of power, Bang Chan throws the wolves off of him, his eyes glowing. In a flash, he rushes at Hyunjin, swinging his fist back. But Hyunjin is fast. Unnaturally fast. He stops Bang Chan's fist with his hand, pulling him back until he stumbles. "Nice try, Bang Chan." Hyunjin says sarcastically as he hits him. Hard. Bang Chan hisses falling to the ground. Hyunjin moves to kick him. "Bang Chan...trip him!" I yell trying to help. He tries, but Hyunjin kicks him in the stomach. I hear a sickening crunch. "(How is he so strong?)" 

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