Chapter 13: One of Us

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"The pack is under attack. We need to move. Now." He says in a rush. "Will we get there in time? It's not exactly right around the corner. We might get there and..." , "All the more reason to leave now. Now, let's go. We can't waste any more time." Bang Chan takes my hand, and we rush as fast as we can back to the packhouse. The entry hall to Bang Chan's estate is a scene of chaos and carnage. "No..." A handful of wolves lie brutally wounded at the base of the main stairs, liquid crimson pooling beneath them. "My God..." I look around in horror. "So kind of you to join us, (Y/N)." Hyunjin stands at the top of the stairs, leering down at me. "I started the party without you. Hope you don't mind." Raising his fist, I see he's clutching someone by the hair: Felix. It's clear from the numerous wounds dotting his body that he's on his last legs. "Hyunjin! Let Felix go right now!" I shout in anger. "But we're just getting started. You're no fun." Hyunjin chuckles sarcastically. "Let him go and I might not kill you." I threat. "And let him miss out on all I have planned?" , "Shut up and fight me, Hyunjin." Felix does his best to land a blow on Hyunjin. "Want to get right to it? Fine." Hyunjin moves with blistering speed, meeting Felix's charge and hitting him hard in the side. A sickening crack sounds out as my friend drops to the ground. "Felix!" , "Your bastard!" Bang Chan charges forward, but two wolves move to block his path. Snarling, Bang Chan fights to get past the two wolves , but he isn't capable. "I'm going to enjoy this." Hyunjin slams Felix up against the window, cracking the glass with the force of his thrust. "(Y/N)..." Felix struggles under Hyunjin's firm grip. Then, Hyunjin raises a hand, grasping a broken shard of glass. "No! Felix!" I charge forward, letting my rage and adrenaline take hold before giving over to them entirely. I shift in a brilliant display of fur and fangs as I slam into Hyunjin full force. With a mighty snap of my jaw, I dig my fangs into Hyunjin's shoulder, tasting blood as I break his skin. Hyunjin drops Felix. He scrambles to his feet, moving forward to help me. "(No. Get out of here. You're too hurt.)" While I can't speak those words in this form, the flash of determination in my lupine eyes says it all. "Fine, but if things change, I'm coming back for you. Thanks, (Y/N)." Felix runs. With a burst of strength, Hyunjin throws me backwards, rising to his feet with a hideous snarl. "Not a bad hit, girlie. Maybe you'll prove yourself a good match for me yet." I shift back, meeting Hyunjin's furious glare. "Not if I tear you apart first." Before I can say anything else, another cry of pain echoes through the entry hall. "Get off of me!" is backed deep into a corner, three enemy wolves closing in on him. "!!"'s mate, Yeonwoo, runs for him but Hyunjin knocks her out fast with a bloody laugh. "This is all could have been avoided if you'd just come quietly, (Y/N). Now you've gone and forced me to do something nasty." Hyunjin says with an devilish grin. "This is between you and me." , "Oh, but hurting your friends is the only thing that seems to get you to listen." I charge forward, but Hyunjin moves to block my path. His body stretches and grows, before finally his wolf form takes shape before me. Suddenly, Bang Chan leaps forward, shifting mid-air to sink his fangs into Hyunjin's fur. I move to help Bang Chan but his golden eyes flash with a clear message: Don't. "Bang Chan, let me help you." The sleek black wolf shakes his head, squaring off with Hyunjin. With my path now free, I sprint for the wolves cornering "Stop!" They turn to me with snapping, snarling jaws. "(Y/N), stay back. It's not safe for you." Something churns in my stomach then. Not quite fear and not quite rage. "(The fight was started because of me. So, I'll be the one to end it.)" It feels like the calm before the storm. The kind of hurricane that leaves ruined ships in its wake. My eyes flash blue, and words seem to form on their own in my mouth: a command ushered from somewhere ancient inside myself. Something Alpha command. "Hey, assholes... Attack Hyunjin!" The three enemy wolves stop in their tracks and slowly turn on Hyunjin, as though something immensely strong has commanded them. "(Whoa.)" Then, they lunge at Hyunjin, sinking their teeth into his fur as he tries to bat them aside. Hyunjin shifts back down to human form, his face contorted in rage and confusion. "Why are you three listening to her? She's not your Alpha." he roars in confusion. "Yeah? Then why did they listen to her?" tries to sit up, clutching a wound on his side. He flashes a rebellious grin. "You felt her words in your bones. Just like me." grins. "(Y/N), you did that?" Bang Chan stares at me, mesmerized. Hyunjin swears. "Enough of this! Kill that loud mouth. Now. Hyunjin's Alpha command pounds through the room with the force of a tidal wave. His three lackies turn back to, their teeth bared. "(No. I'm not letting him win. I won't let him hurt any more of Bang Chan's family.)" I fight through the exhaustion, rising to my full height and forcing out one final command. "All of you...kill your leader." I feel my words rocket through the bodies of dozens of wolves. They shiver under the weight of my command...and turn on Hyunjin. "What? Don't you--don't you dare!" The wolves stalk Hyunjin, baring razor-sharp teeth and the threat in their eyes. "Better run, Hyunjin. They look hungry." I chuckle. "You bitch!" Hyunjin turns tail and charges off at a sprint. 

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